U.O.P.I Chapter 2 Page 5, My turn.
My ears were pined back, my tail was between my legs and i was blushing a bright red.
Well hello Jill
Jill blushed heavily as she shook her head mark smiled as he lean closer to her pressing his nose with his. he take her paws as his eyes looked at hers, jill's face is redder than ever from blush "jill i think i'm in love with you."
Getting Caught Under-Tail
Buried in the much larger male's powerful posterior, cody only managed a few more squirms before he relaxed, blush getting hotter.
A good day
The cat blushed as he slowly dragged his tongue up and down the wolf's sheath "r-roland you taste really good" he blushed deeper as he saw the tip poking out "thank y-you" the wolf replied as a long moan came out while his length extended and his knot
Tales of the Stars Chapter 4: The firstmission with Shiro?!, The Stars-Users Reason for battleing
Shiro got surprised and started to blush, she then said "t-thanks you for your concern, emil." emil turned his head the other way and started to blush as we, saying, "d-don't mention it." shiro then said "oh yea, i have to tell that you have a mission."
Do the time do the crime
Slightly blushes. "but please stop tickling!" "ok, i feel like i have mentally broken you enough. i will let you go." ketch is still curious but sticks to his word so he unlocks the pillory. ketch leaves the cell. the end
One for the Road - Go-Go Juice
The plates clunked with a dull thud as the waitress placed several steaming dishes on the table before the pair. "Full spread with cinnamon bread, and a double waffle with eggs for you, darlin'. Anything else I can get for ya right now?" the husky...
HimynameisDuncan - 2021
**himynameisduncan** the blush on his face was very very apparent. despite his green scales and very light brown chin, the pink streaks couldn't be washed away.
Intimacy: Chapter 1
The husky says as he blushes "of course bro see ya later." the lion says as he slaps the white husky's ass playfully in doing so making huskies face turned completely red. "something wrong?" "no......."
Paws Adjoined (100+ Word Patreon Giveaway)
The black dragon blushes, letting out a rurr and jay shyly looked away, feeling nervous at his reaction.
Short Story : Lycanroc Shows His Mt. Blush
I heaved and blushed bright red. that body... that godly body was holding me so warmly, i could feel his muscles so well... i could feel his... his... "hmmmm... say, miss... would **you** let me sleep in yours?" "lycan." hugo said gravely.
Tales of the Stars Chapter 11: The Village of Strega! The Last Star-User comes!
Nuko blushed brightly, looking to the ground, she said "yes, i would love to go on a date." taupy looked back up to her and was also blushing and said "o-ok! then let's kiss on it." she blushed even more, but looked at him.