Dis-Orient Chapter 1 - Clipped Perceptions

Dis-orient chapter 1 - clipped perceptions a badger presses his thumb and middle finger over his lidded eyes, he hears the door open and in comes 3 others. "good, you're all here."

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Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch,7 - Mission to Spira Pt.2 Technical Difficulties

After about an hour of praying clip stopped. with a weak smile to drew, and ava he gave "z" a small shake. clip got on to his shaky feet as "z" started to stir. clip grabbed his gear and walked off to a far corner. ava watched as he got dressed.

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Train Exchange (Otherwise Untitled)

#154 of short stories detective clip, jackalope of the law, tries to catch a data smuggler. ~ the long hallways of the passenger starliner provided detective clip plenty of time to practice her saunter of calm innocence.

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Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.5 - Receptions, The Good, THe Bad, And the Onikage Special

He said his attention now on clip. clip took aim again and fired. with a casual swing the man deflected the pellets back at clip. clip felt the burning pain in his chest almost instantly. but why was he looking at the sky.

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Questions of the Night (Otherwise Untitled)

#138 of short stories detective clip seeks answers to poorly inquired questions.

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Foxes and Plots 3: A Coons and Theft Tale

He had come to this meeting very trusting and considerate; knowing that clip was someone he could trust since he had a good track record, but now things seemed so different. clip loved playing mind games.

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Recreational Voyage (Otherwise Untitled)

#139 of short stories detective clip and her part-time secretary take a case aboard a cruise liner.

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Diplomacy on the Casino Floor (Otherwise Untitled)

#140 of short stories detective clip investigates the disappearance of a diplomat in a casino town.

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Diner Shuffle (Otherwise Untitled)

#179 of short stories detective clip, jackalope of the law, tracks down a smuggling operation.

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Stakes in Space (Otherwise Untitled)

#150 of short stories detective clip and a local macaw lay in wait to observe an illegal salvage. trigger warning: slur that starts with 'f'.

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Antlers Collide (Otherwise Untitled)

#167 of short stories detective clip, jackalope of the law, recognized another jackalope while on a job. her elder quizzes her.

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Capturing the Erotic

Sure enough the first thing the bear did was place a clip on each exposed nipple on thomas's chest. his claws came out from reflex at the sting each clip gave. thomas took some deep breaths to adjust as more clips were added on and around the nipples.

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