Coiled Encounter
_plop._ the coils rippled underneath pennelope as she landed, ass first, right onto the serpent's face, shoving him deep into the centre of his coil pile once more.
Unwinding Coils
His arms were held upward as the coils writhed and parted, catching below his legs and covering over the top, as though he were basking in a hot-tub made of and filled with coils instead of water.
Coiling Curiosity
He could feel the muscles of the other naga tense in pleasure which caused the coils to tighten around them.
Coils of Seduction
She hissed in a sultry tone as her coils began to grind and caress the man-cub's cock in earnest, the stimulation coaxing mowgli's softened cock back into action, soon it popped out from between the coils, the wonderfully scaley stimulation of the naga's coils
Coils Of Passion
The snake coiled forward and made a move to lick up this essence as well, but the wolf stopped her. "leave it. ", he said.
In the Coils of the serpent
Oh no, little kitten," levi smirked as his tail slowly coiled around the delightful creature, "you can't leave now. you have to keep me company." he teased as he drew the coils closer to the cat's body. "i like little kittens.
Coil for Help
Her legs kicked and again her hands were pressing down on the coils. a lot of fight in this one, he noted with amusement.
The Coils of Fate
So ended the adventuring career of the clever feline, digested and gone in the bulky coils of a seductive snake.
Flattery and Faltering
Comfy coils, he sluggishly slurred in response. -- mhmm, makes you want to never leave, right ?
[SNEAK PEEK]Serpent Says
Serpent Says Subscriber Reward for Moggers (Dec 2023) By Limewah 18+ The mouse ducked her head into the stream of water, and it battered her hair down over her eyes as her fur glistened with dampness. She groaned with satisfaction, turning...
Serpent Says [Subscriber Reward]
Sascha sighed and grabbed a length of coils in her free hand, digging in and scratching along the scales to the best of her ability. he wriggled and snorted, the water bubbling as his snout dipped below the surface.
2019-05-14 - Too Close to the Cliff (Saethwr)
One coil had completely wrapped its way around his left wrist and was snaking its way down his forearm to the elbow.