Demon War Chapter 3

They struck the convoy here before it went dark. we have no idea where in the town it was, but we do have some communications that put the convoy about here when it went dark."

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2. My New Life-1

Set course for that convoy and...all ships, engage!"

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The Fall of Codicina

convoy racing down the asphalt as fast as the trucks could carry them.

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Stories from Lochwell 5. The Slave Part One

The convoy pushed forward through the sand towards civilization and was made up of various transports ranging from propeller-powered sand surfers to beast pulled sleds and chariots but the majority of the convoy was made of retrofitted train wagons."

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Living Suit

The first group has focused on disposal of scientists and soldiers the protecting convoy, meanwhile, second group stole the prototype suit most chemicals and records of research. ambush convoy survived just a small group of scientists.

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JY 1 - Six Years Ago

He turned again to survey the the road and the convoy not overly surprised to find the heat signatures of mines planted beside the road and as his scan took in the dust trails behind the convoy he started cursing. \* \* \* \* \* "alpha-1 to command!

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The Akira Chronicle Pt 1

The shuttle set down on pad 6 and lowered its passenger ramp, the convoy survivors walked down to the deck and were approached by a freight rep "are you the survivors from convoy 624" she asked.

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Wylde Fyre - Chapter One

The two strike eagles formed up, and thundered in on the convoy. this time, there was no attempt to slow down the convoy, or box it in. this was a single-pass job.

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A day at the office

Alex looked right, out the windshield, and saw most of the convoy dashing off.


chapter2 Betrayed

convoy saw the mine and swerved but was to late to avoid he hit the mine tearing a hole on the left side of the truck making the semi spin out, killing the engine convoy tried to start back to chase them but they were to far away now.

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Demon War Chapter 4

His finger fit perfectly into the marks, making the dragon believing that whatever had taken down the convoy was larger than him at least.

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Kaufmann Interstellar Freight - Birth of an Empire

Gere followed willard's style of running the corporation to the t, remaining to the books and leaving the convoy's to his crews.

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