Kaufmann Interstellar Freight - Birth of an Empire
kaufmann interstellar freight prologue the kaufmann's were part of the initial rush of explorers to settle the planet of nuremberg.
Roommates 15: Trying Not To
I knew this because i was near the kaufmann building, where i took my literature classes. i walked closer to one of the buildings, trying to get my bearings, and trying to figure out which end of kaufmann i ended up on. "darvis?"
First Job
"_safe travels, captain kaufmann, over and out."_ "roger."
Großstadtleben - Kapitel 1: Ein neuer Lebensabschnitt
Die dreijährige ausbildung zum kaufmann im einzelhandel bei interkauf.
Voyages of the Mara: Prologue - First Flight
kaufmann; you may be the manager's son but i do not answer to you," the commander retorted right back. "and as of now, you have no authority over us," stated felix.
It had been dirk kaufmann's first real trip out into the reaches of deep space, and hopefully his last.
First Tragedy
kaufmann," he said. "nobody blames you for any of what's happened; those that do are just doing what mccain did." he put a hand on her shoulder.
Großstadtleben - Kapitel 2: Arbeit, Freunde und ein unbekannter Löwe
_19:28, alex:_ jap, kaufmann im einzelhandel. gerade erst angefangen, aber es gefällt mir ganz gut. und du im overlook?
kaufmann but we've got a problem!" zambrano exclaimed. "motion sensors around the island are going off; the gelks are coming up to the surface again!"
Denver XII
"felix kaufmann; i'm the helmsman of this ship," he called back. "come down the ramp and keep your hands where we can see them."
Confederacy of the Red Nebula
See the historical timeline that created the confederacy from four lesser factions in a time of need, and the history that shapes the worlds all around felix kaufmann and his crew.
Manche mögen es schwarz
Für den schwarzpelzigen jean war es ein leichtes, einem in seinen schulden versinkenden kaufmann sein haus als unterkunft abzuschwatzen, für die zeit, welche die stormborn brauchte, um die reparaturen durchzuführen., wenige zwar, doch bedeuteten sie zehn tage