Get Funky
disco music starts to play loudly and proudly as the disco ball levitates and spins to create a dancing atmosphere like those in the '60s and '70s. "greetings to you all my brothers and sisters in fur!"
Dog college(A balto/all dogs go to heaven/ginga series)crossover chapter 2 the disco part 1
Dog college chapter 2 the disco part 1 balto and charlie layed on the big bed half naked with boxer shorts on as the sunsetted on the ocean. "it's so beautiful.' said balto with a smile. "it is.
Max and Mrs. Marpole: More Movies with Mom
"disco dance!" sylvia cheered. and at that she was already up off of the couch, buzzing around the room excitedly. "wait disco what?" said max, looking around. "i thought i was getting laid!"
Tetti lontani (Literature contest version)
Lavorarono intensamente per due anni alla decifrazione del disco.
Dog college(A balto/all dogs go to heaven/ginga series)crossover
"i might ask him to go to the disco with me tonight.'thought akatora as he wrote another bunch of writing on the chalkboard.later balto was laying on the sand at the beach when "oh look here comes charlie!' cried a voice.
Part3: Drei gegen Einen
In der disco herrschte ploetzlich totenstille, sogar der dj hatte die musik angehalten. naraku drehte sich um und rannte aus der disco. tatsuichiro stand auf und lief hinterher.
Tales of The Strange: Strange Book Edition - A Chef's Surprise!
**tales of the strange: strange book edition** story collaborated with v-disco. undertown creatuers copywrite to v-disco "cinna" copywrite to v-disco and myself "depp! i'm telling you! it's a monster!"
A Second Date with Groovia
Their massive size under the leotard made it easy to catch disco lights off them, turning them into their own shinning balls of celebration.
Die Piloten
Dann schlug wisp vor in die disco zu gehen und alle stimmten zu. sie gingen vom hotel in die disco die nur ein paar straßen weiter war. die disco hieß haifisch also gingen sie hinein um zu feiern.
Sunny Days - Teil 1 -
Ich war gestern mit tina, sven und den jungs in der disco. ich glaube ich vertrage keinen alkohol", grinste der dobermann. „mein kleiner bruder in der disco.
Rocko's Beaver Fever
We're disco stars, for spoot's sake!" "calm down, bro. i'm sure we could get someone if we tried.
Kevin's Highschool days: Chapter 8 Friendship fics#1 The Lucian brother side
Solange's sandcastle disco was the best so far. the beginning with the judges trying to pronounce her name was just too funny. dini: "okay up next is solang, solong, who?" eddie: "solangay, solango?" boomer: "salami with sandcastle disco!"