Pokémon Diaries Chapter 3 What Did I do?

She threw another pokéball and this time out came drapion, i turned to jon who waved me to come back. i ran to him and he threw another pokéball. i thought it was going to be scizor but instead he sent out exeggutor.   i heard quilava whispering.

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The Hero's Wish

Madam umbra of team desire sent out drapion. "charizard, earthquake." madam umbra growled in frustration. she sent out pangoro. "charizard, air slash." hatred blazed in her eyes. she sent out bisharp. "flamethrower." umbra took two steps forward.

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A Glimmer of Light in the Void: Chapter 8 Part 2

Steve regarded with bittersweet amusement as he dodged what he could of the drapion's two poisonous stingers whose strikes moved like bullets.

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West Islands Chapter 8: Tragedy

The situation had turned dire for the five united Rescue Teams during their invasion of the fortress lorded over by the organization who had been terrorizing the West Island's region. After a prolonged battle with the fortress sentries, the leader of...

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ch 34 reap what is sown

A drapion... and a salamence... i had to kill them first." ash then quickly opened his eyes and looked at the kadabra behind him. it was holding its silver spoon above the trainer's head.

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Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 7: The Cunning Team Kama

There's a galvantula, an ariados, dusknoir, the gengar you just saw, a drapion and a houndoom." "bug... ghost... dark..." volcan snapped his fingers. "fear of spiders, ghosts and the dark. that's their theme; common fears.

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Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 14: Final Stand Pt 2

But then, down came necrozma, flying across the path of the houndoom and drapion and sending both hurtling from the draft of his wings.

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Sands of the West Chapter 2: Redfang

The only other dark-type i can remember meeting was hook but he's a drapion," he then gave luke a sly smirk. "and he didn't get much time to showcase his strength against_you._" luke nodded softly.

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