Hell Fights Back prologue - Hi-Octane Mind Trip

It was one thing to know the devil lived here, another thing entirely to come face to face with the savior of all furkind. the prince of peace.

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Daring Rescue: Part 1 of a Trilogy

**Daring Rescue** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** © 2013 Twisted\_Trisk, Benjamin J Johnson** ** ** ** Contents: NC Rape (Not perpetrated by the hero) Sex (m/f), adultery** ** ** ** ** ** ** I hadn't known about the pirates until I was already...

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Boyfriend Pt. 2 {Despair}

"you're a disgrace to furkind, hanging out with a human. don't you understand if we don't show them their place then they will rise up and make us slaves?

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Beach Day

This place was officially the most vile, despicable display of depravity furkind had ever created. why the fuck had joy let herself be talked into this? 'it's clothing optional, you can wear a suit if you want,' feriha had said.

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Remedy, a story of Aligare (Chapter 2)

She felt cool, despite furkind being the ones born at a lively temperature. you're plenty warm enough! you've been working. "let me walk a little," peregrine said, "and muster the fire in my shrivelled old heart." "oh, of course.

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High Card - A Parody

The binturong would squeeze them off and then, well goodbye furkind. trevor could not look at his own castration, and so he turned his eyes upward.

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Starting a new life - Commission for Baffels (m/ff domination)

Come midday the hilltop would be swarmed with families, office workers, students, furkind from all walks of life coming here to enjoy the view. one reason why baffs liked to get up here early, to enjoy the quiet.

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Starting a new life - Commission for Baffels (m/ff domination)

Come midday the hilltop would be swarmed with families, office workers, students, furkind from all walks of life coming here to enjoy the view. one reason why baffs liked to get up here early, to enjoy the quiet.

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A romance in the countryside: chapter 3

And beyond that was a rolling mountain covered in forest, completely untouched by furkind. sometimes i would go the lake and watch the sun set over the mountain and cast a rainbow of pink and yellow across the grey clouds.

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In the World After: Chapter 9

I looked up at the mountains looming so close ahead; the rocky mountains, one of the last sanctuaries for humankind and furkind. would we, the bruised, battered, and beaten, actually manage to find sanctuary there? only time would tell.

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Yes, furkind have just entered the teleportation age, the hover car had already been invented, just in case you're wondering.

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Road Hog

When his shift was finally over, he couldn't wait to get out of the damn place, if only because having something to do would keep him from thinking about last night and popping the worst-timed boners known to furkind.

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