Morgan's Pokémon Adventure

Like the previous and following evolutionary forms - gastly and gengar - morgan simultaneously trained several of them, a small number of which followed the trainer at any given time.

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Adamant 06: Fun Above and Below

I lost track of you in the forest and decided it was safer to come down here for a bit when the gastly came out." i raised an eyebrow and asked, "you knew they were gastly? since when?"

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TwinFox - becoming adult

Normalerweise wã¼rdest du mich direkt herunterschlucken, damit ich in der zeit, in der christine dein gast ist, gast bei deinem bruder bin.

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Ch 4

"gastly!" "chespin, chespin, ches-!" he was about to say but then he started to glow. a white light shrouded my friend and then he grew taller, wider, and...rounder.

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A Haunting To Remember

Caleb's toes tensed and splayed, spreading out within the grip of those gastly.

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Ch 3

"gastly gast!" i knew i might stand a chance. "alright shadow use hypnosis!" "gassss..." his eyes glowed a bright pink and circular beams started to shoot towards nosepass. "nosepass dodge it quick!" roxanne said but it was too late.

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Die Falle

Leckend und immer wieder schnüffelnd verwöhnte deino seinen gast, schmeckte dessen leicht bittere, ein wenig metallische note, genoss den erdig-herben geruch.

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Ein Geschenk unter Brüdern

Ein leises gurren drang aus ihrem hals, während sie den gast mit ihren atemberaubenden augen ansah. raoul verlor sich in dem leuchten dieser smaragdenen edelsteine.

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Chapter 4:Mt. Pyre

Both our escorts were female ghosts, one a gastly and the other a duskull. the first one looked alright, probably passed at a young age, but the second one was a model compared to her!

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Worms From Spaaaaaace!

gast initiated a weapon-freeze on the entire army, and barked orders for the moo to be brought in and receive the unprotected soldiers...

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Chapter 4; Aired Blood Bath

** the little gastly floated to me and turned herself upside down.

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Drachenreiter - Das Essen und die Höhlen

Über das gesicht der schwarzhaarigen frau legte sich ein grinsen, welches auch von der anwärterin und dem gast begleitet wurde.

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