Lagomorphs -- Chapter 34: Search

None of the trees had branches near the ground: apparently the grazers found them tasty, but that meant jeff couldn't climb up to get a higher perspective. it was frustrating. it was supposed to be his hunt, but sky was doing all the work.

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Scy-zing up the Differences

Jason asked riolu and clair to come and join them, the sudden ‘pop' of the balls stirred the grazers but not enough to start a stampede. they watched attentively as the group moved.

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Tales from the BellHunterVerse Ch1

"you're the one of us who's always using terms like _'grazer'_ and _'wet rats'_ to describe mammals, not me!" yuri held up a single finger as he narrowed his gaze on the stag by his side.

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The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether Chapter:28

Dawn giggled as she watched the pair disappear into the entryway of the _'grazer's grill'._ the pair may have been apprehensive about wearing it on their sleeves, but the two really were an adorable couple. "ahem, madam?"

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The Risen Curtain - Chapter 6: Special Mission

"i was so looking forward to someone put those grazers in their place!" nick's ears perked. "yeah, agreed!" "they are so arrogant all of the time, saying that they outnumber us!" "about time someone put these grazers in their place!"

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Rough Day, Rough Night

He even let loose a theatrical bellow of despair, like a savannah grazer about to be consumed by a predator as the cheetah tossed him roughly down onto their bed, even though his hands were already working their way down into the front of his pants as she

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The King Takes it All - Part 7

Startled by their king and on alert, the grazers darter away from the lioness and she swore at them and at scar as she rushed passed him. the king watched with a grimace as she failed to even slap the legs of the impala as they bounced away.

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SENTIENCE - Chapter Five - Improv

Only one was close, a dead grazer. just before the daylight came, i plotted a route for the carrion. unlike yesterday, i didn't spend time scanning every rock and plant. just a few of them. i couldn't help myself.

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:29

"the grazer nearly destroyed the biggest city in the world, what did you think was gonna happen?" yuri snorted. "so what now?" trenton said, ignoring yuri's off color comment. vernon let out a tired sigh.

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Parting The Pack: Prologue (NSFW)

It still felt like yesterday that he was facing the dark alpha male 2 feet away at the dinner table, his fiery pupils shriveling and every hair on his pelt erecting with fury as he growled about the "damn grazers".

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A Horse Walks Into A Bar

"stop laughing and help me up you oversized grass grazer." max helped me to my feet. he waited while i regained a sense of balance. he let go as i start to move and stretch my tight muscles.

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Stralia - Ocean's Depths

The scrub cover underneath housed flightless birds and the grazers. her lake was twenty minutes in by walking pace by her watch, surrounded by a small clearing with thousand year old trees that had survived the trip over.

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