Lucky Dragon
His mouth opened slightly in longing before the dollop fell like a tear into the open muzzle of yet another dragon grrl with her ivory-scaled head firmly on the mauve one's lap.
Amber 13 - The Graduate
"wow," he breathed, "you're quite the grrl!"
Hit Dat Bich!: The Female Greenskinz
But after the 157th ballad by the same grrl, it gets a bit much. they will perform a flash mob or a lady quartet out of nowhere, even in the middle of a battlefield.
Maybe Tomorrow - Kimmi pt 2
Fleeing from the royal guard with a gang of liberated convicts had nearly given the healthy young grrl a heart attack.
Amber's 69 First Dates: Spring Fling
Good luck there, grrl! now, what can i make her wear... ooooh, this could be good!"
Grrlfriend Experience (Parts 1 to 3)
A grrl like me needs to take... certain things into account."
Meet & Greet - Part II
We'll keep him in check, right, grrl?" amalthea nodded, baring hir fangs in a huge, friendly grin. "you bet!" "wow, i thought odella was hard to describe," i laugh, watching the grrls join the party.
Amber's 69 First Dates - Prologue
"so i see... well, everyone knows you're a big grrl," he said with a chuckle. "i know most guys aren't really... you know, into that..." "but you are, right?" she asked sweetly, knowing the answer.
Amber's 69 First Dates - Talk Hard
The hyper-kitteh eyed herself up in the mirror, now significantly more sac than grrl.
The Ominous Omnibus - Story Commission
Neither grrl heard those tender words, not at the time, but they felt them nonetheless.
Maybe Tomorrow pt3 - First Light
"ahhh, the sounds of the arena, ye big lucky grrl. winning here, and ye'll have a much easier life!
The DissiDex - The 'Complete' Character Compendium
Molly is a bubbly, friendly grrl, always ready to sing or discuss hir favorite cartoons, but shi is starting to realize all of this wonderful flesh comes with some... urges...