Joining the Team: Chapter 2: Adapting

Kyrio took the slimy magicarp in his hands and bit its head off and munched and swallowed the whole thing, bones and all with barely a pause for breath. \ kyrio murmured, wiping his muzzle clean on a patch of grass.

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Chapter 15: Surprise, surprise!

But when the kid simply sat there, gaping at him like a magicarp out of water, the humour of the situation registered, and the charmander began giggling.

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Chapter Twenty Eight - The Great Escape

'yeah, maybe we can see magicarp!" she giggled as she looked over the side, frowning. "that's not a magicarp..." "what is it?" i asked as i looked over the side, frowning. "what is that?" "i don't know..."

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Deleted Scenes - Darkest Taboo: Introduction.

She had lost several pokedollars to another trainer whose magicarp had wiped the floor with the two rabbit pokémon using tackle; it had been a most humiliating defeat in her life.

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Chapter 2 ~A Chain Of unpredictable Events~

Because master and i are the evil magicarp spice of life! bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"

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Chapter Eighteen - A New Friend

A magicarp leapt out of the water right in front of me, causing me to jump back, startled.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 9.3- Guild Under Siege

He gasped loudly several times like a magicarp out of water, grasping his throat. looking up with shaky eyes, the garchomp was already towering above him.

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Myx's Physical

"alright," milton announced as he exited the mart with an armful of groceries, "i have your magical magicarp meat."

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Pokemon: Legends Ch 7 Abby Pt.3 Out of the Void

A pidgey, a caterpie, and a magicarp. "man sucks to be you." devin said stepping over the poor bastard and kneeling next to abby. taking one of the super potions devin sprayed it all over abby's body.

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Tale of Two Claws: a Pokemon one-shot

Nightslash opened his mouth like a stunned magicarp as he savoured the valour and courage that emanated from these colourful warriors. what were eons doing in his village? and why was there no fighting?

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