Joining the Team: Chapter 2: Adapting
Kyrio took the slimy magicarp in his hands and bit its head off and munched and swallowed the whole thing, bones and all with barely a pause for breath.
Chapter 15: Surprise, surprise!
But when the kid simply sat there, gaping at him like a magicarp out of water, the humour of the situation registered, and the charmander began giggling.
Chapter Twenty Eight - The Great Escape
'yeah, maybe we can see magicarp!" she giggled as she looked over the side, frowning. "that's not a magicarp..." "what is it?" i asked as i looked over the side, frowning. "what is that?" "i don't know..."
Deleted Scenes - Darkest Taboo: Introduction.
She had lost several pokedollars to another trainer whose magicarp had wiped the floor with the two rabbit pokémon using tackle; it had been a most humiliating defeat in her life.
Chapter 2 ~A Chain Of unpredictable Events~
Because master and i are the evil magicarp spice of life! bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"
Chapter Eighteen - A New Friend
A magicarp leapt out of the water right in front of me, causing me to jump back, startled.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 9.3- Guild Under Siege
He gasped loudly several times like a magicarp out of water, grasping his throat. looking up with shaky eyes, the garchomp was already towering above him.
Myx's Physical
"alright," milton announced as he exited the mart with an armful of groceries, "i have your magical magicarp meat."
Pokemon: Legends Ch 7 Abby Pt.3 Out of the Void
A pidgey, a caterpie, and a magicarp. "man sucks to be you." devin said stepping over the poor bastard and kneeling next to abby. taking one of the super potions devin sprayed it all over abby's body.
Tale of Two Claws: a Pokemon one-shot
Nightslash opened his mouth like a stunned magicarp as he savoured the valour and courage that emanated from these colourful warriors. what were eons doing in his village? and why was there no fighting?