Inhuman | Epilogue [old edition]
'that's different, we aren't your parents,' said nessi. 'well, just get used to it.' kira ended her quick retort with another kiss with nati. aki and nessi looked away, rolling their eyes.
Inhuman characters reference [updated: 06/03/10]
**nessi ruma** **meta --** **full name:** nessi singar ruma **loyalty(s)/role(s):** aqueni tribe (orchard-keeper, occasional animal caretaker) **relations:** daughter to mara nadie [deceased] and nati nadie; mate to singar ruma; best friends with aki
Inhuman | Chapter 7: The First Day TEASER
Once again, she was too involved with nessi to notice anything, but the overly keen look in the bull's eyes made sean's skin crawl.
Will & Tess 2
nessy's breasts as it poured warm chocolate milk into her mouth, which ms. nessy gladly agreed to. over all it was a pretty fun day.
Fish in the Loch
"ah...nessie...ohhh nessie fuck me...fuck me...ohhh..."
Inhuman | Chapter 08: The Dark Riders [old edition]
nessi's father, nati. 'nessi? nes-? oh my - _nessi!_' he yelped as he saw his daughter, her side drenched in blood and her face screwed up in pain and soaked in tears. 'nessi, you okay? what happened -?'
Inhuman | Chapter 17: Home Again [old edition]
Asked nessi, eyeing him expectantly. sean glared at them a moment longer, then cleared his throat. 'tell them to take a hike.' nessi looked confused, but sean gave her a slight nod and her eyes widened in comprehension.
Breaking societal expectations
"nessy this, nessy that, you'd think they could come up with some new insults after the one-hundredth time." ember, was no dragoness. he was a young, red, male drake with immaculately smooth scales.
Will & Tess 1
nessy used her trunk and fingers to point out strategic erogenous zones and showing the class how each would react when touched.
Greetings From The Depths
nessie reacted with panic which swiftly turned into submission and love. he licked her hand, clearly enjoying her petting.
Inhuman | Chapter 05: A God Amongst Them [old edition]
Said nessi. 'no ... mostly starved me, though,' said sean, slightly wistfully. nessi laughed. 'well, no luck for you here, you can't eat any of this stuff right off the vines, they're covered in dirt and stuff.
Inhuman | Chapter 07: Close Encounters [old edition]
She had always regarded him as a very good friend, a very _close_ friend, maybe even closer than she was with nessi, despite having known the latter her whole life.