Solar Corruption

An elderly wolf sat in an antique rocking chair. She smiled and fidgeted slightly trying to fix her grey hair as the Holographic images of her grand children started to from. Tiny cubes fell from the projector pilling on themselves quickly forming her...

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The Dishes THE DISHES!!!

I grumbled and quickly looked back down at my note book making sure I had the distance right as I waited for her to poke her head out again. I sighed and flicked the safety off as I stared down the scope for what seemed like hours before sunny slowly...

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Splintered Chromosomes Ch. 8

I tapped my fingers against the throttle in time with Motley crew's Kick start my heart blasting from the speakers and with a quiet giggle I rolled my SR-71 Raven onto its side and looked down at the earth miles below as I tore through the...

Fractured Symbiosis CH 2

"So Alex...What did you think?" Eithen asked putting his arm around my shoulders. "It was pritty good...I still like the really old one with Kurt Russle and Val Kilmer more though...but I did like this one." I smiled up at him befor resting my head...

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Splintered Chromosomes Ch5

"Sonya Hun hehe wake up...sweetie?" I sat up slowly and propped myself up on an elbow feeling my tits shift their weight and fresh milk drip...

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Splintered Chromosomes Ch4

"What...what are you doing in here?" I demanded happy that my new fur was covering my blushing face. She took a couple of steps toward me. Her eyes flowing over me...

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Splintered Chromosomes Ch 3

I awoke feeling wonderful...and sticky. I opened my eyes confused for a moment before I realized what had happened. I smiled looking down myself past my much larger breasts...

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As we rounded the corner and entered the Comand Post Colonel Buford flagged us down. "Boys good to see you made it....



"So what do you think Josh" I asked looking down the scope. "It's all F.U.B.A.R. buddy" Said the Capybara next to me. With a smile and a shrug he added "but fuck it we might get to blow somthin up before we...

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Ricky's Rio

I yawned and stretched. Finally it was time to go home. With a squeak my shoulders popped making me sigh happily as I shutdown my computer and grabbed my purse, checking my makeup and adjusting my skirt. "See ya in the morning Phi." I called to the...

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Invasion of the Cuckoo Dragons

Some close enough to the word of an old language he knew that he was reasonably certain he knew what it meant, others pronounced quite novelly to the point he didn't recognize it until some context clue put it in place.

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Open House: A Pink and Blue Diaperfur Adventure Level 4 (Eps 15-17)

"what's novelly mean?" "just run along," said cassandra, releasing him. "i'm glad you came back to us." the cross fox kissed her huge paw lightly, and scampered off in search of his caretaker.

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