Enemy of my Enemy, Chapter 5

Arcee closed her optics as everyone else jumped and snapped their heads around to look at her, startled by her sudden exclamation. she concentrated on her pretender body, rebooted its systems, and opened its optics.

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Price of disobedience

The shocked autobots watched with wide optics as barricade was whipped, the police decepticon was mostly silent for the first few strikes as re most mechs, but soon he would be screaming.

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Runway Life

His lips were so soft and full; she could feel her optical cluster lighting up in pleasure. she kissed him back, nose cone to nose cone, holding tight to his cock, her optic clusters flickering in pleasure as they felt him grow harder in her tendrils.

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War's Oversight - Chapter 08

The chakri took his eyes from his optical lenses for a moment, and quietly considered this. the terrans were resourceful with sensors and electronic surveillance.

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The moment that his optics landed on the massive creature running toward him, the elder mech unbuckled and whipped that thick strap from his rather worn trousers and cracked it like a whip.** **kup held the buckle end of the belt and prepared to give the

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Chapter 6

I used a short piece of patch optic cable to link the solve-all to the ai. the cable end didn't fit, but some tape held it in place just fine.

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turning point

._ through the morning fog which covered the battlefield he caught a glimpse of his beloved alita, staring at him. her optics closed in vain as she tried to hold back the tears of optic fluid which streamed down her face her head bowed in sorrow.

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The professor's singular optic was half closed, mimicking a human narrowing their eyes.** **the pack was soon sent on their way by the scary belt wielding robot, who chuckled smugly as he put the belt back on and headed home.** **once the small group had

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Change of Perspective Page 19

As his face is steadily pulled inward, the geth optic becoming part of his head, as wires form, and spread out like a weed. his face soon being consumed by the spreading machinery as a second optic forms.

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Harbinger, Chapter 2

Tomoko stared at her with wide optics and a slight smile, as if hanging on her every word. _heh. i guess all this stuff must be incredibly fascinating for her.

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