Words on a paper….
The further you delve, the harder it becomes to breathe, one soul suffocating on the thick smog of ambiguity. Every breath you take, slowly kills you, destroying your organs aging your body wearing away at your mettle. So it seems the only way to be...
How the Salamander Plays
#5 of pen and paper challenge ever wonder how the salamander plays? how the salamander plays crack, goes the sound of splintering wood. heated air flows as ivy scales embrace fading flames.
King of Men
#4 of pen and paper challenge a ruby red dragon is crowned king of a human kingdom. king of men a deep rumble echoed through the audience hall, as the dragon king debated with one of his lords.
A Master's Lesson
#2 of pen and paper challenge a short story about a young canine reflecting on what it was like to grow up in a feline home. a master's lesson "look forward; focus on the tip of your snout. relax the shoulders, tuck them back.
Ferrymen's Voyage
#1 of pen and paper challenge a mystic journey to a world not much like our own. traverse the white sea, and chart the stars, as you depart on your own voyage.
Sci Fi Short Story: "Paper"
I remembered the paper notebook my grandfather gave me years ago. the notebook held several accounts from times when the world was supposedly a different place.
Born of Shadow and Wonder
This is a fanfic for a pen and paper role play my boyfriend has created over the last years. i have made myself a new character who i found so very inspiring that i had to write this short story about him.
Like Paper Lanterns
The flesh, the fur, the blood ... it was like they were of the consistency of paper lanterns. so fragile. she could fly with these things! she could caress and hug him with these! wings. flight, hope, and her.
Chapter 7: The Papers
He then pulled on the pant's of his mommy to get her attention, who promptly knelt down and pulled the collar right off of him as if it were made of paper and tape.
Blood Soaked Papers
Many of them were opened revealing that most if not all were filled with papers. the boxes scattered around the room formed terrain for the rest of the room, and were all similarly piled high with papers.
paper hearts - poem
#2 of poetry collection poem no. 2 paper hearts lead to paper cuts designed to bleed others dry hearts of glass break so easily made to fall apart and cry hearts of glass are so sensitive, gentle while paper hearts are careless, unkind hearts of glass
Paper Rebels (pt3)
Part 1: paper rebels (pt1) part 2: paper rebels (pt2) [icon credits to: pikist.com] paper rebels (pt3) by **whitepython** dalreto pushed himself forth and connected a clean punch against grodacio's snout.