Chapter 1

Anti-aircraft fire engulfed the night sky as i descended from a boeing c-17, my parachute opening to slow my descent.

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One hundred and One, falling out of the sky

I stand up, "alright men you heard 'em," i start to hand out the parachutes, "go for the courtyard....." i strap on a parachute. ".......and may an angel guide you down, let's go!"


A Good Day To Die Hard

Attached to it was a parachute. i glided over to it and grabbed onto the box. i reached up and pulled the string on the parachute and it opened up; just enough time before i had hit the ground.

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He considered his course through the forest to the parachute. he crept up on where the parachute should be ... and found its cargo.

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Son of a Dream

She sighed and opened up the parachute. it yanked her so hard a rib nearly gave; drops of saliva fell from her mouth as she struggled, exhaling and caughing.


The Darkness Within

The wind wont stop throwing me from side to side and just when i look up i see my parachute and the ground suddenly rush forward encasing me in the parachute and throwing me into a death spiral to meet the rocky cliff face below.

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Closed Cases - FSF Archives - O-499 First Call Blue 10-16

The hatch opened and he flew out of the glider, slowing himself to a proper parachute speed.

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The Portal Games: Sarah's Promo

Keeping her parachute pulled tight to her back, she resumed her running leap and lunged for the hole in the air below. this was going to be _fun._

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Chapter 1: Rucidia Island Pt.2 of 4

He feels as if he is about to fall to his death, but resists the urge to activate his parachute. the wolf checks his altimeter. just a little! fortunately, his parachute doesn't give him any trouble.

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Chapter 1 - New life

"give me the parachute and i dont shoot you with this gun!" he screamed. rick gave up the parachute pathetically. the pilot punched him in the gut and jumped out.

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Fighting for Faith; Before.

His parachute began to descend quickly, a bit more than he had hoped it would, and when he looked up, he saw the rent in the nylon fabric, which was starting to widen.

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No Last Chances-Chapter 5

I retrieved the parachutes from the corner, tossing one at xero. for an embarrassingly long time, we fumbled with the parachutes in a ditch effort attempt to get them on quickly. why do russian parachutes have to be so complicated.

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