Prelude to Adventure

Your saga is about to begin._ with a broad smile, terry passed the controller to ryan as the small pixelated wolf appeared in a green field with some blue that seemed to be a pond. "whaa... what do i do?" ryan stuttered.

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The Lead Crowm: A Reader's Companion

[pixel theo]( pixel theo](/view/636971 "pixel theo") by [![avatar?user=103638&character=0&clevel=2](


Cecil's Day Out [Request]

To the left was a small cube shaped television showing a bunch of pixels jumping on other pixels.

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Digitally Delivered

I look down between my legs and see the pixels circling my crotch. a line of grey pixels spell out a message. "reconfiguring?" i read. "hell no, you're not reconfiguring anything!" i have no choice in the matter, however.

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The fox came back down towards the tiger, and at the last second smashed the tiger into the ground with his large shaft, pixels blowing out from the foxes twitching member.

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Welcome Home.

It always perked him up when he thought about his gorgeous girlfriend, pixel, waiting for him after long hours.

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Sonic.EX3: Chapter11

Its pixelated state moving towards one of the nearby folders available before examining deep into it. when it did, the screen changed to a pop up window of case files digitally recorded.

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Unseen Colors, Act Four

._ _i collapsed next to pixels body, afraid to touch her, as if i might wake her from her sleep. sleep.

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Pixel Shift - Chapter 4

#5 of pixel shift # chapter 4 ##### no honor among thieves zora stopped at the edge of town, lilly was right behind him, he turned to see her gazing up into the trees.

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Pixel Shift - Chapter 3

#4 of pixel shift # chapter 3 ##### secrets shatter, bonds forge lilly leaped out of the way of an ant taking a side path, she ran through a tunnel and suddenly a giant snake appeared, a level fifteen creature, what the hell is it doing up here.

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Pixel Shift - Chapter 1

#2 of pixel shift chapter 1 welcome back sister o' mine "how much has this place changed since i've been gone?" she asked, looking around at the old buildings, her eyes sparkled with memories.

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Digilove chapter one

I yelled as i slid the card through it's slot and in that instant demidevimon's pixels were taken from his body and his digital frame warped. after the warping was complete his pixels reformed on his body completing his digivolution.

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