Baby it's Cold Outside
He could stand to have a little more insulative pudge.
Newton's Cradle
Contains: gunfire, taken hostage, mortal peril, superhero violence, a heroic rescue, quicksand pudge, endosoma, extradimensional plumpness, miscounting hostages, and a very blushy realization. this story was funded by my patreon.
Newton's Cradle - [Preview]
Full story contains: quicksand pudge, endosoma, extradimensional plumpness, miscounting hostages, and a very blushy realization. this story is being posted at the same time two polls on my patreon are going up.
Wowie Zowie! - BBW, TF
Her belly stretched her dress further as gallons of pudge filled into it. looking down, peach watched as her own gut swelled like a balloon. unlike a balloon, though, it was heavy. it bloated into bowser's stomach.
The French Confection - Prologue to Ep. 6 (BBW, weight gain)
She accidentally coaxed out another lazy belch while she fondled her midsection's plentiful pudge. she was done for the night. she'd crash here, then shower tomorrow.
The Bad Bet (Vore Story)
Still, the mowger's muzzle fit excellently between his cheeks, wedged up tight and surrounded by layers of thick, soft deer pudge on both sides.
Post-Jog Meal (Atinesa)
A -- atinesa would stare at the pudge on linda's belly and shyly smile as she blushed a bit, knowing that pudge was most likely from other prey.
[CM] The Misadventures of Connor: Explorers of Foxfat
Em kneaded the pudge, watching it knockback and ripple in time with her movements. "i'm not too sure how much you'll put on... i guess we'll just see in the morning?"
Frosty Loops - Chapter 5: "Melts in Your..."
For the first time in several days, it didn't come as a surprise when Frosty awakened in his bed. He'd fallen asleep there, after all. He languidly stretched, still feeling the...
Octummber Zone: Act 1
She moaned as he pressed gently into her pudge. he ran his fingers over the protruding dome of her upper belly, through the creases folded over her fattened waist, and into the puffy cavern of her pudge-lined navel. all too quickly, she spoke.
The Fattest Doll of All
Then there was a sound almost like the near-imperceptible hiss of frosting being squeezed out of a decorator as his pudge began to grow.
Being What You Eat
See you as my pudge, dear~" dave couldn't do anything as the snout liquified once again... spreading out and covering his muzzle! his hands flew to his face, trying to pry off the goodragon, but it was no use.