Consume Pt 1

sangria swiped through her pad impatiently, looking for something she couldn't seem to find. "the word they used was monster." teresa's voice was flat. "we have no idea what it could be capable of.

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Tuesday Lessons

"i know just the thing: there's a rich sangria with lots of vodka mixed in you might like, just gimme a sec." i thank her, tell her that sounds good, and she starts working.

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Crossing the Line

"strawberry daiquiri and south pacific sangria," said wynne, the bartender, sliding two glasses slick with perspiration across the dark maple table with a flourish.

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First And Only

His sister had got some friends of her own to play with, his dad had sat around drinking sangria and talking to people, while he went swimming with micheal. micheal was the fox who stayed in the room next door to his.

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one long day

The plaque at its feet read" dean carlos van sangria: may his soul rest in peace". within minutes a tall, lanky, ringtail lemur met up with them.

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all before school

The plaque at its feet read" dean carlos van sangria: may his soul rest in peace". within minutes a tall, lanky, ringtail lemur met up with them.

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Go try some of the sangria. me and owen were just getting to know each other."

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Bestialist Professional

And a bottle of sangria of course. - so, four of these... - four gazpachos and paellas, plus sangria. my paella in vegetarian version. and then ice cream and ice coffee, ok? - for me, just fruits! - protested lou. - no ice cream! - si, senor.

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That Summer - Part I

The sun spits out its last sangria-colored rays as it slips below the skyline. i fish a cigarette out of my pocket and light it up. shitty habit, i know, but fuck it. i lazily blow the smoke out and let the cool evening breeze whisk it away.

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Dog Days (Force of Nature, pt. 1)

"and sangria. i hope you enjoy it. you can leave the tray outside your door when you're through.

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Knot Theory (I)

"well, i'm running a bit low... how 'bout a sangria?" jake thought he'd be much more nervous than this. in fact, he'd questioned his ability to go through with it at all.

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Rich Vacation

"i... wouldn't mind a sangria..." he nodded and turned back to the coyote, shouting out to him. "yeah, another of those zombie things for me, and a sangria for the cute girl here!" gawonii nodded. "right away, rb!"

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