Pokemon Rainbow - A Gay Text Adventure
Poliwag druddigon pangoro nidoking infernape alakazam hypno mudsdale venusaur mightyena chansey ditto lycanroc quilava flygon feraligatr gyarados emboar snorlax decidueye rattata ampharos aggron relicanth sharpedo
Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - Desert City Environs
, anthro ([http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/sharpedo\_](http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/sharpedo_)(pok%c3%a9mon) tauros ([http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/tauros\_](http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/tauros_)(pok%c3%a9mon) wolves (
Operation Snowpoint
The two sharpedo near the group decide to make a go for it, leaping to the air for falling bites. cascade and splash each face one and fire a water gun, knocking the sharpedos off course and causing them to crash into each other.
Seven Years Later Chapter 5
Thanking kangaskhan for her stories, the group followed the path that led to sharpedo bluff. standing in front of the sunset, they could see two expertly crafted statues made of silver.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Goodbye Hoenn, Hello Kanto
sharpedo was quite the speedster in the water, kingdra seemed to happily engage him in a few races with most of the time sharpedo being the winner.
Team Smartz Ch.2 - Cold as Eisbecher
Antwon lead me through a small village called ‘treasure town' to a cliff called ‘sharpedo bluff' "here it is!" he said standing in front of what looked like some kind of bush. ". . . you live on a cliff . . . in a bush?"
Chapter 2
sharpedo. seriously? sharpedo!" kyn said, hanging up on that, and trying to get her assessment. she probably reacted totally opposite to what he would have thought.
Rewriting Reality (Friend In Trouble)
#7 of rewriting reality after solving the problem between the sharpedo and remoraid, kurt returns home only to find his friend dusty was about to get arrested. what does he intend to do to save him?
My life with blaziken chapter 8
Damn the water was cold, but it could be worse, it could be filled with sharpedo, i actually heard a rumor about a guy that fucked one of those once.
Pokerus FX-001: First Outbreak
He was carrying groceries to bring back for kaine right now, she had gotten most of her energy back, but their wound from the sharpedo bite was still a bit ragged.
Forever Teammates
She started to pace furiously at the edge of their home, where the sun was rising and shining through the sharpedo mouth opening.
The Greater Guide to Fucking Pokemon.
And despite that huge ass seeming so unwieldy, it'll clench down harder than a sharpedo on a magikarp when you fuck it. in the end, after much debate, it was decided the winner was medicham.