A New Dorzeli\'s Second Day

"this animal's from a herd that my family was trying to rebuild after the soriss tried to exterminate them in an attempt to starve us out."

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Gingerbread Man: 2109, Chapter 2, Feih Desslat

As the shooting stopped two soriss soldiers appeared from behind what appeared to be some type of cloaking screen and approached the captain's body.

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Truth and Consequences: Chapter 10, Aybabtu

Sarah ordered a furious barrage of projectile and energy based ordinance to assail the soriss weapons in order to cover feih.

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Truth And Consequences, Chhapter 11

Even at over fifty kilometers away the soriss ship, which resembled two tires stacked on top of one another, with the upper and lower section's circumference covered with squares alternating between yellow and blue, the soriss national colors, was huge

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Truth and Consequences 2: Dorzeli: Finish Her?

However, when he remembered the glorious taste of soriss blood and the effect it had on him he unconsciously mimicked daihas' actions.

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Gingerbread Man:2109; Chapter 4, The second Day

"i know only what i've been told by those few soriss that we've kept alive long enough to get information from them."

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Gingerbread Man: 2109, Chapter 9, Feelings Revealed

At the soriss camp when he was dressing her wound had him ask an uncomfortable question; "has she been trying to come on to me all this time?"

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Truth and Consequences: Chapters 1 and 2

There were rumors that he had already committed such an act against the soriss and even a human who had tried to assassinate him.

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Gingerbread Man: 2109, Chapter 7, The lake

He stopped when he saw five soriss soldiers, backed up by a small armored vehicle. all had their weapons aimed at him. to be continued...

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Kralken Four: Part One

He understood her anger when he thought, "which lead to the death of her parents and first mate at the hands of the soriss." which, he concluded, if that had not happened he would have never met her.

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Dark Origins: Revelations: Part 2

It made him think back to what freerah had revealed about this world: an enemy that had, at one time, out numbered the entire population of the member races of the kroon empire had, like the soriss, tried to exterminate them were responsible.

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