Glitch in the Neurotic Matrix
Two hours of stakeout surveillance and an hour of researching on databases later, and i called campbell over to my office to foot his bill.
Cyberpunked - Override
Nk and his gang, a few stakeouts later and they started to make a real dent in his organization finally.
Venom: Beautiful Killers. Part 1
"i bet the other guys here that i could get you to say you're a virgin during the stakeout. we've been trying all night." "so? what's funny about that?" dunn closes the bill around his fist. "nothing.
The Venom: Stage 2
It didn't take much- our order just stood watch for one of your high-ranking enforcers and fed her our _love_ until she spilled the beans about all your stakeout spots.
These Final Days
My head about to explode as i open my window to let out the stench "this morning going to kill me" chapter 2- the stakeout i hear a knocking at my door a few hours later and slowly put on underwear walking to the door opening it up "oh
The King's Company: Chapter Six: Into the Fire
I think maybe we should try a stakeout, wait here until they appear?" suddenly, rengar burst through the door. val glared at him as he moved right by, moving to... the bookshelves? "so what was that... debacle earlier?
Venom: Beautiful Killers. Part 12.
You can read part 1 to see the stakeout-gone-wrong story. of course, if you have an questions or complaints, fire away. by the way, "store ich sie?" should mean "am i bothering you?" my german sucks.]
To Catch a Thief
The black fox gave a hearty laugh, "you are the source for better info tory, that's why you had a stakeout, you gotta get your nose to the ground and find some leads yourself."
Meet Catamount (vore, digestion, some scat)
More than twenty feet away his tail-tip, which had been still for hours of stakeout, twitched. savage nodded, and muscles began to stir beneath his striped pelt.
Tales from Silicon City 3: Demeter
"oi, nice night for a stakeout isn't it moira?" the bottom-heavy irish bunny commented coyly as both of them watched the building across the street.
Zootopia: More Than Partners, More Than Friends - Part 13
stakeouts could be a very long, tedious endeavor for police. there was always the possibility that one could be at a location for hours on end, only to have nothing at all happen.
Strange bedfellows
"i think a stakeout will do better and be a lot less dangerous." she spoke with desperation. nick had already been missing for well over a week, there was no telling what could have been done to him in that week.