Roundabout 1

On the other end of the hall is the food trolley, but there's no sign of the trolley boy. hissing in annoyance, she slithers on up, only to hear shuffling and muttering coming from the slightly ajar door beside the discarded cart.

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Ian's Hermification

Alexi led everyone to a grey and brass trolley car with beautiful woodwork inside. "every trolley car here was bought from the local electric trolley museum when they were trying to cut down on stuff that was slowly deteriorating in storage.

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Sleeping With The Enemy - Raining Human

I hissed smelling the tangy, crisp rain off in the distance, as i pushed my trolley of cakes into the stairs "crap..."

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Horse Play

The trolley moves again, only to stop a short distance later. the straps holding him to the trolley loosen and, caught off guard, the human falls forward, landing awkwardly on the arms crossed over his chest. "well, have fun."

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Invane: White Dayness

The trolley continued on. yet it had stopped so suddenly afterwards.

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Preview - Ian's Hermification

Alexi led everyone to a grey and brass trolley car with beautiful woodwork inside. "every trolley car here was bought from the local electric trolley museum when they were trying to cut down on stuff that was slowly deteriorating in storage.

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Rinta: Island of Freedom - Part 5

The trolley arrived a moment later, coming to a slow halt. some of the passengers stepped down but even then claudia could see that the trolley was packed. still, she followed jojo's and now ana's lead.

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Underpaw 1: Chapter 1 (2002)

Coming through the crowds, pushing a trolley was tibor. keeva blinked and smiled seeing the snow-white ferret. giving a closer look, he saw that he looked more handsome than the web cam photo that he had emailed to him.

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Inali The Bumbling Pirate

Inali is thrown backwards with trolley and the captain, the other five beasts killed instantly in the blast. trolley hits the rail and goes over board and falls into the water unconscious, disappearing into the ocean depths.

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Something Fire-Like

Use the venom on the trolleys. oh, use the venom on the trolleys. not that incapacitating the trolleys would end the conspiracy, but ... the trolleys, the shock troops ... their removal would be a portent. it would be the first domino.

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Café Plaisir - Short - Tiny Thanks

He reached under the cover of the trolley... and found... white pillow cases. perfect.

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Diaper Days: Introduction

Now with people looking at him for his strange behaviour he decided to bail and quickly wheeled his trolley away.

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