A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 52 (Inner Demons)

Jiraiya and tsunade exchanged knowing smiles before they cleared their throats.

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A New Year, A New Life, A New Love Chapter 9: Round 2, Weaponry 101

Said tsunade as she clapped her hands. "who wants to go first?" kaji and hotaru hastily left the field. "hold on grandma tsunade, what about these new weapons we are 'sposed to see!!" yelled out naruto, glaring daggers at the hokage.

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2 Worlds - New missione, New world

tsunade said "sakura this man will be staing whit you in your apartment from now on until he complet his missiones." "yes ma' lady."

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Die Entscheidung

Er hatte vor tsunade gestanden, dass er kiba liebte.

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Ein neuer Freund?!

Der weiãÿe husky versuchte aufzuspringen, wurde aber augenblicklich von tsunade zurã¼ckgehalten. "nein! das ist noch ein bisschen zu frã¼h. mich wundert sowieso, dass du schon wieder fit bist.

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 5 (Home Coming - Part 5)

tsunade asked. "yup!" jiraiya grinned. "naruto spent months just practising how to draw his sword to have an effect like that." jiraiya grinned.

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A New Year, A New Life, A New Love: Chapter 5: New Friends and Old Feelings

The new hokage, tsunade, especially vehemently pursued this restriction.

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 3 (Home Coming - Part 3)

tsunade snapped making jiraiya blush. "he's a completely different ninja from the last time you saw him, just wait and see!" "i'm sure he's come on as a ninja, but this test is also to see how well he can act in a team." tsunade reminded him.

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The Futa Ninja Incident: POking where you're not supposed to

tsunade clenched her hands into fists. "l-lady tsunade you can't possibly mean that you did this did you?" shizune asked dreading the answer. "of course i did!

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Naruto vs Sasuke: Final Battle (Full Version)

tsunade turned her attention to the fight. "we just have to have faith in naruto!" "he's grown so much, hasn't he kakashi? tsunade?" a voice, none of the village was familiar with, said. kakashi and tsunade turned around to find madara.

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A New Year, A New Life, A New Love: Chapter 4: A Big Day

"i dunno," said whisper, the smile she had gotten once leaving tsunade's office still warm on her face, "i suppose there are gonna be things that we've never heard of before." "what do you mean?"

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