Felix Explains: The Dhrag
After that there isn't really any mention of athlanti as an actual place, it's more of a legend, a tale of a long ago utopian nation that disappeared when the dark times arrived. some say that the dhrag will someday return and lead us all to salvation.
Tainted Waters - Concepts & Ideas Part 1: The Setting
First realm of sanctuary - a vast utopian city where all are welcome. very industrial, and populated. lacks a sense of culture found in other realms. skyscrapers are on every block, and cars flock the streets.
Orphans to Time
"i remember a lifetime in this era was utopian, almost. anthros and humans initially lived in piece due to the anthros' existence being a feud between human countries. the nuclear war that created anthros was even what made me into what i am today."
Mongoose: Chapter 1
And because of this, the life of councilwoman isabella mongoose has been more and more monotonous, with most decisions coming down to petty politics in the nearly utopian society.
Lynx's Vision 1
We've reached a near-utopian status unknown in our history. shall we jeopardize that?"
Gaea was somewhat of a utopian community. everyone did their part. all of the citizens were well fed and educated. anyone who needed something would get it from their neighbors.
utopian. yeah, there is a terrible war and ptsd and gruesome imagery tucked into the backstory. but everything else was overwhelmingly portrayed like a fairy-tale. too perfect. too happy. and the "villain" was simply the guy who could see through the bs.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 2: First Contact?!
Together with his beastial creations, the dictator constructed a beautiful, magnificent utopian civilization comprised of five cities which benefited the select few and privileged. (it wasn't perfect, but hey, what place is?)
The Art of Destruction
He saw his previous affection, and expected his relationship with her to be identical to the utopian place he had built for himself in his own mind.
He rolled over on his bed, looking out the window at the expanse of space and the blue, utopian planet corneria as it stretched across the sky. he felt his ship, great fox, grind to a halt inside the docking ring above the planet.
Luther-Puris Academy - Intro
Things were a twisted mockery of the utopian society that the governments insisted the world had become.
Caffeine Rush
She had been normal, a lab assistant for a private research firm working on 'utopian' technologies - something aspired to since the beginning of time.