Gold Fever chapter 3

I've seen it a time or two, never pretty but i look at it as part of the winnowing process. welcome to my world becka." greg stood and held out a hand to her. she stood, reached out and took his hand in hers knowing greg was a true kindred spirit.

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I, Dacien -- Chapter Eighteen: Jurisprudence

I wish i could say that i wish i had thought of that but all i can think of is the time it's going to take to winnow through them." "why would you read them, my lord?" asked zachiah.

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Para-Imperium Setting Data

Campaigning takes five years and every year the candidate pool is winnowed down further and further, the first year the most popular 80 candidates are selected, halved to 40 in the second year, 20 in the third, 10 in the fourth, and finally the praetor

The Furry Dead Chapter IX - Foreshadowing and Forests

Even with the magical blast having winnowed their number and blown a crater in their midst, timid could see through the whirling smoke that the enemy were hundreds strong, and he waved the star furiously, shaking and glaring at it.

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The Dragonslayer's Quest

That he was kind and charitable, to a fault, with peasant and nobility alike, winnowed out many of his detractors in short order. while he might not best his challengers at joust how many could claim to have slain three dragons, much less seven?

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The First Shall Not Be Last

She wished she could winnow out what she could do to make him truly happy, simply by staring into his somber gaze. she was a few years his elder and roz noticed that the amethyst surrounding the slits of her space-black pupils bore a pale haze.

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Corwin Hall, Chapter 11

The being in front of him was a winnowing fork, he realized, but it hadn't come to sort him into a pile marked either "redeemed" or "disposed of." it was going to split him right down the middle.

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Seven Days Chapter 6

He winnowed a claw into the neck of the bag and pulled it open, making sure it contained what he expected it to. "he is an older wyvern and his eyesight is slowly betraying his age.

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[c] A Champion's Choice

The momentousness of what happened to umi, the reality of how desperate i am for him to pull through this, winnow their way through my thoughts.

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[c] Sating the Swarm

Once the cream of the crop were winnowed down, the males were taken back to the mothership. one by one they trickled back to their homeworlds, each of them harried and disheveled.

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Jack: Rexi & Talon -- 24. Rexi

It was only harald who had really thought zackton was _odd_ above and beyond all the other oddnesses, and rexi, he admitted to himself, had been at first too overwhelmed with all the new details to see to and master to winnow out the important ones.

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The Seige of Barignon

Valen finds himself in the unfortunate position of leading the small defense as his options quickly winnow. with no other reasonable choice, he sets out to bargain with the sorcerer, oryn.

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