Feline Love in Middle School

My name is eros, and i grew up military town. my pop was a colonel in the army, and a real mans man. it was a small base and our school only facilitated about 150 students.

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Fragmentos de cotidianidad

Respondiendo y conversando sin la necesidad de ver a los ojos de su compaã±ero. con aquella engaã±osa refracciã³n de los cristales en sus anteojos que imita una mirada.

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Blue Valley Underground - Part 15 - Note

Report to the tears of eros brothel in newell unarmed and alone.'" isaac's voice faltered. he swallowed and continued, "'should you dis...disu...disregard this note, your friend will suffer.

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4.4 - Mixed Signals

"you know, i can get you a good eros program if you want," he offered. "you remember the doc, kody? well, he has... or had this huge collection of eros stuff. i can go borrow one for you. you got a preference?"

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Una sfida difficile a "braccio di ferro"

Mentre siamo lì fermi, e tutta la gente è in silenzio, ansiosa di conoscere l'esito del duello, sento un lieve miagolio vicino a me: il gatto che mi si era strusciato tra le gambe appena ero entrato nella taverna si è avvicinato, e sembra che voglia delle

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What You Wish For. Penny's Spanking Spell 2

The irish born hare had used her eros deck for two reasons. one, because of the passions involved.two, because of one card in the deck. that card now appeared in the 'immediate future' spot of the spread. the card was called 'the punishment'.

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Maverick Hunter - Chapter 9

eros nara da - dora no - uoora de," the hologram sang, continuing the song in the same rhythm that aietos was humming moments ago. the bird woman's jaw was unhinged as she watched the hologram sing her childhood lullaby.

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The Promotion (Chapter 3)

_'must be from the eros shoot,'_ aria thought to herself. the next photo however made her heart sink. vivian, her fiercest rival and person she loathed most in the world was standing next to her wife.

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An Ordinary Week: Sunday. Part II: The Reckoning

"ero oot eerg niffims. eh neeb muffer goghrummmrrf." it appeared that conversation was not an option for the moment. kevin poured himself a glass of orange juice and sat down with his microwave bounty. he was eating too fast to tell if it was any good.

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A Goddess in Blue

Her tail flicked like a wicked baton inciting an orchestra of eros, and geist's mumbling, grunting, and heavy breathing were the instruments.

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Chapter 13: The End...

eros, michael is ready to see you now. he asked me to come escort you to the operating room." he stated in a monotone, his face not showing any emotion as he waited for me to follow.

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Chapter 9 – Chamber of Midnight

Pure eros pulsed through the orange pegasus. she wanted to protect the priestess from danger; but she also wanted to pin the pale woman to the ground and violate every inch of her cream-colored skin.

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