mliatbhrpg ch45-48

The queen bites her lip. diana in turn sheaths her sword and the fires go out to the relief of the soldiers. chapter forty six- kira's last day kira watched as the other three left for the day with the queen and heros.

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Enjoy The Unexpected

His gait was steady, not fast or slow. But his heart was racing, his mind was a whirlwind, and he felt like he was both about to explode or turn tail and run away as fast as he could. Love was definitely a funny beast. Ken stopped outside the...

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Minnie Goes Big (Teaser)

A 'size queen' is what she might have been called, had anyone with such a vulgar tongue known her secrets.

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Chapter 4: No Help

Chapter 4: No Help "What do you mean you can't spare the people?" Ellie shouted, staring flabbergasted at the uniformed prairie dog behind the front desk at the police station. The prairie dog glared back at her. "You got stuffing in your ears or...

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Camilla, the Conquerer - Chapter 18

"miss queen! then i'll give you this to consider. when this job is over, what then? they're with anuset.

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Slave Camp - Fun Times Behind

Slave Camp - Fun Times Behind Kerra waited unhappily, kneeling on a warm slate floor. The room was filled with hot tubs in which her fellow slaves were relaxing, being given a chance to recuperate after the day's third class. It was only the...

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High School Days Ch 14: Three to Tango

The annoying warning message: This story deals with sex between males, in graphic detail. If you're not over 18, this is illegal for you to even look at, so stop right now. If homosexual content is not your cup of tea, you can leave the tea party....

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# **Multiplayer** Good Ole Disclaimer: You ain't 18? You some Prude who thinks masturbation is a sin and only 14400 people are ever going to go to heaven? Feck off. :P This story is based on a Flash cartoon by Marvin found here:...

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Cubi Ascension: Commodity

Cubi Ascension: Commodity Written by Senera 2008 Age Disclaimer: Aunty Senny sez, little runts who are to young to be allowed to view this adult material will experience the nearest thing they can to being a bird caught in a jet engine. So...

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The Royal Apples - Part XIV

The changeling queen hissed angrily at him, her fangs bared. "first... my changelings are not mindless, nor are they simple minions. second, that was the plan, wasn't it?

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Size Doesn't Matter

Just a thing I sort of randomly did. She still didn't even understand how things had gone this far between the two of them. It was so hard to believe that even when she thought back on the time they'd spent together, the time that they'd gotten to...

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Body Heat

"Brrrrr...agh, why does it have to be so cold every night?" A shivering Sceptile muttered curses under his breath as he walked with determination towards his destination, his arms held very close to his body to try to conserve his warmth. It was a very...

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