Halloween Slaughterhaus

Now its personal" i scream as i bear my large fangs and razor sharp claws i claw at his face and kick at him like crazy. one of my kicks is lucky and knocks him down. i stab my claws into his chest and he laughs. "you win.

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Identity: Chapter Twenty-Six

insanity; one possible result of becoming a psychopathic murderer.

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Island of iron

He put emphasis on the last word, because he noticed that there was a horde of the original survivors (the insane ones), about to start blocking our path. they looked different.

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YCHtober Day 18: Trap

"they were a ditto anthro of sorts, and a crazy one at that." he mumbled. "ugh...whatever. i'm going back to work."

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werewolf, part 20

"i must have been lucky to only meet the crazy ones while i was there then." denis said flatly. it took a moment for clyde to realize he'd been insulted. "i'd watch what i say if i were you," he said darkly. "or what?

Vagabond - Chapter 3

[titus] "i'm the one with the straightened priorities, you're the crazy ones." "wait, isn't that like, one of the signs of insanity? thinking you're the only sane one?" [derek] "yeah, it is." [kiari] "i'm not crazy, and neither are you guys."

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Sanna Gon' Be Pissed.

He was under santa's iron glove, and went insane. one day, he coxed us all to leave on a flight in the sleigh and then totally killed santa." rudolph said softly. "whacked his ass dead." dancer said with a sage nod. the other reindeer nodded.

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Wasteland Survivor – Reasons - ch3

Thanks to crazy one for how to link all these. note: all measuring is done in metric, like it or not, thats how i think of the world, meters, grams and centigrade.

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Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 4-B

"she... she was a rather crazy one. she had a bad temper and always got on someone's nerves, but she always backed up those she cared about all the way through. she was... a really devoted friend. and also hopelessly in love."

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From Master to Lover: Chapter one

And this is bacent.....the insane one.....i tend to mispell alot...and any and all comments are gladly appreciated...and hopefully this will be part of a long story series...

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Vagabond - Chapter 7 + Epilogue

You're- you're insane!!" one by one, our friends walked by and punched titus in the stomach, "that's for hurting tanner!" [kiari] "that's for being an asshole!" [derek] "that's for trying to make out with kiari!"

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Location: Unknown

"desmond, are you sure you aren't going crazy?" one voice, a female voice, whispered from nearby, "are you sure you heard americans?"

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