Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 23: Compromised and Violated (Conclusion)**
Day 31 (Evening The Lost City)
"How did this even happen!" I shouted. "Corey and Rumble closed the ramp after we left!"
"Yes they did Alex." Shakara said...
Attempted Murder, BREACH, Bear, Bizarre Behavior, Everything Has Changed, Fighting, Grievances, Horse, Humans, Inspirited, Lioness, Mind Rape, Mistrust, Mongoose, Reunion, Rhino, Scuffle, Short, Suspicion, Werewolf, accusations, creature, danger, harassment, prototype, resentment, swearing
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 32: Places Both Known And Unknown Part I**
Day 62 (Auxiliary site in the Great Forest)
"Hmm...." Feleen said as she watched Dawn Stern work at the terminal that housed her program.
"Wow, this...
Adventure, Barter, Bear, Communal Sleeping. Communal Bathing, Criminal, Cuddling, Everything Has Changed, Fennec, Horse, Hugging, Humans, Humor, Kissing, Lioness, Long, Missions, Mongoose, Nudity, Prejudice, Rhino, Werewolf, confrontation, monsters, prototype, rescue, sentinel, store, triad
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 55: Two Against A World Gone Mad (Acceptance Part IV)**
Day N/A (The remains of the Seven/Seven Club)
**_What was that? _** She monster said to me.
"Missiles! That is what leveled the night club...
Ambush, Beaver, Capture, Crocodile, Dark, Entity, Everything Has Changed, Fight, Humans, Knight Rider Reference, Otter, Pagoda, Plot Progression, Separation, Testing, Threats, Torture, Vigilantes, Violence, attack, crash, fall, harpy, marble fox, prototype, rescue, swearing, vomiting
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 26: The Fear And The Frightened**
My conversation with the professor disturbed me. So much that I had trouble sleeping that evening despite being within the embrace of my females. We were lying on...
Bear, Communal Sleeping, Dingo, Everything Has Changed, Game, Horse, Humans, Humorous, Implied Sex, Lion, Meeting, Mongoose, Planning Looming Danger, Reflection, Rhino, Sparing, Threat, Werewolf, chef, coward, danger, discussion, monsters, prototype, slice of life, triad, vomiting
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 28: Opening Doors That Shouldn't Be Opened!!**
Day 48 (continued)
"Abandon our home?!" Mr. Collins said wiping his tears. "Rumble did not give his life defending this city for us to abandon...
Bear, Captivity, Compound, Dire Mission, Disguise, Everything Has Changed, Fondling, Grand Kingdom, Groping, Horse, Humans, Kissing, Licking, Lioness, Lynx, M/M, Mongoose, Pedophile, Rhino, Sex Slave, Short, Torture, Werewolf, fossa, prototype, raid, spy, sucking, tyrant
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 59: While I Breathe I Hope (My Place In This World Part III)**
Day N/A (still in the between)
**_You appear mostly well Alex Winter._** The sexy lioness said to me.
She hadn't changed much her...
Akita, Ambush, Avian, Badger, Bull, Caprine, Chakat, Coyote, Dingo, Enslaved, Entity, Everything Has Changed, Humans, Lionesses, Long, Maned Wolf, Massage, Meeting, Mole, Mongoose, Pig, Plot Development, Reunion, Rhino, Something Is Wrong, Werewolf, Wombat, colony, harpy, revelation, survivors
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 17: How Do You Cure Fear? (World Tour Part IV) **
Day 26 (6:03 PM The Frost's Farm House)
"Overwatch was right, there is no way to really do this. We can't force our way inside- too dangerous." I...
Adventure, Border Collie, Dark, Disappointment, Encounter, Everything Has Changed, Ewe, Ferret, Fondling, Foreplay, Groping, Humans, Humor, Kissing, Lioness, M/F, Mongoose, Muskrat, Others, Otter, Panda, Roughing It, Satyr, Surveillance, The Unexplained, Turtle, UFO, argument, prototype, roadtrip, sucking, swearing
**Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire**
**Chapter 8: The Nature Of Destruction**
Day 11 (continued)
"Please tell me that is not true; that you are lying!" I pleaded. My fierce ursine warrior was silent.
After that shocking revelation, I was...
Bear, Communal Bathing, Desperation, Destruction, Discovery, Everything Has Changed, Exploration, Fear, Fondling, Foreplay, Groping, Horse, Humans, Humor, Hunting, Long, Massage, Mongoose, Oral, Scavenge Hunt, Skunk, Vaginal Massage, Werewolf, ash, despair, domestication, lava, magma, prototype, revelation, ruin
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 6: Aware And Terrified**
Day 9 (Near World Five)
Corey, Rumble, Corbin and I looked at each other.
"How far away was that?" I asked.
"It looks to be about a mile and...
Bear, Cave, Communal Bathing, Cow, Cuddling, Dark, Deaths, Desperation, Discovery, Everything Has Changed, Exploration, Fear, Flood, Humans, Humor, Lizard, Long, Maze, Meeting, Mongoose, Mule, Others, Red pandas, Snuggling, Trap, Werewolf, Woodchuck, despair, domestication, harpy, peril, prototype
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 52: Acceptance Part I**
Day: N/A (I am with the dark one now.)
_"Equis what is wrong? Your message sounded quite dire!"_ A small orange in color horse like being said running into his friend's lab...
Ancient horse, Another world, Awakening, Biosphere, Capture, Comets, Conception, Entity, Everything Has Changed, Forced Servitude, M/F, Meeting, Origin Story, Overseer, Possessions, Procreation, Sharing is caring, Slavery, Totally Utterly Screwed, Transformation, Tremor, computer, deal, harpy, proposal, space station
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 43: The More You Know The Heavier The Burden**
Day 72 (1:26 AM, the north maze)
"...what is a Cody Spencer...?" The former lab creature said to me.
"A preadolescent white furred cat-boy I knew back...
Adventure, Armadillo, Bear, Cat, Cody's Story, Comical, Dark, Demon, Everything Has Changed, Giant Cloud, Heavy Plot Development, Hedgehog, Humans, Lioness, Monkey, Nudity, Others, Otter, Panda, Phantom Cascade, Rabbit, Rhino, Time travel, Visitors, Werewolf, Wolverine, friends, interrogation, revelation
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 3: The Grand Kingdom**
Day 6 (continued)
"What are we going to do?" Corbin gasped.
"Don't make me ask again!" The masked man shouted firing more arrows at our position.
I tried...
Abuse, Captures, Dark, Everything Has Changed, Farm, Fear, Feeding, Fondling, Gore, Gropping, Horse, Humans, Indentured Servants, Lion, Lioness, Mongoose, Pedofile, Prejudice, Punishment, Rebels Concussion, Torture, Very Long, creatures, denial, despair, dictator, exam, fossa, intolerance, new character, terror, the unknown