Going Home - (Zorua TF)

He looked around, hoping to see whatever it was out in the woods, hoping it wasn't the fox-wolf. he tested the air. certainly smelled like the fox-wolf. he grimaced, standing up. he realized the pain in his leg had since subsided...

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Camilla, the Conquerer - Chapter 9

The fox-wolf said nothing, literally ripping off her clothes and pushing the tauren robot toward the bed. "about time to break in my anubis and not get ridden for a change."

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 19

Anuset and camilla went to their suite, indulging their lust and passion there, the fox-wolf letting her divine lover become a stallion again, enjoying his strength and endurance.

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 23

"anuset and i will return to my parents' mansion, and it looks like the others want to as well," the fox-wolf replied.

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 15

"let me introduce you to camilla queen," the goddess continued, pointing to the fox-wolf. "so you are this queen. i've heard and read about you before.

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Starfox Misadventures: Chapter 1

"let's see the rest of you, fox." wolf chuckled as he undid his own pants. fox pulled down his underwear, letting the 8 inches of foxhood out into the open.

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 22

The fox-wolf answered half-queenioningly. "what, here? that can't be, and certainly not three of them," anuset replied in irritation, walking over to camillla and looking over her shoulder, "what the heck ...?" "hit?" the fox-wolf inquired.

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Prophecy of the Realmtraveler

This is a furry fantasy setting with an isekai twist, and in this setting, there's ten races; foxes, wolves, folvens (fox/wolf hybrids), bears, dragons, kobolds, hares, otters, deer, and the dire jaguars.

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Runaway Plant Experiment: Forced Union

She did notice some of the blushes the fox/wolf had at times. colleen and emerald got together on day and talked about the two herms and plotted.

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Ya Winz Some, Ya Lose Some

I'd still like to lose my virginity to a special fox." wolf smiled as they reached the wolfen. "oh you will" "is that a promise, fox," wolf cooed as he carefully lifted fox into the ship.

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Chapter 1: Cliff-side View

Those companions were currently asleep further in the cave, the small group also consisting of a folf (fox-wolf hybrid), panolf (panther-wolf hybrid), and wiger (wolf-tiger hybrid).

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