Perils of the Closet

The Perils of the Closet Wasn't sure whether to post this in the M/M or just the M section. Update 8/15/10: gave the story a once-over and changed a lot of stuff. Jason and Mason, The Two Foxes, had lived...

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Closet Quickie

The klee kai raised an eyebrow at the sight of the feline standing helplessly in the closet, his attention so focused he didn't bother look into the corners of the closet; he'd found his prey.

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Otter in the Closet

"Biological threat... listen for instructions... continue to monitor the situation..." The alarm clock stirred Jordan from his slumber. He felt as if he was half asleep still. _What was that they said on the radio? Some emergency? Probably nothing...

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Uniforms Pt. 2

Milo groaned as he walked over towards the 'banging closet'. He had told Riley to meet him there again after their last romp, a thing that was becoming a more frequent occurrence while the pair worked the same shift. Work still got done though, and...

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My Nightmare

I'm up in my room with my friend, he is playing on my little electric piano whilst we were talking to one another. It's dark outside and the rain is falling down hard on the roof, the lights flicker, then go out. I start to freak out calling...

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Science Friction (intro)

in the closet?" the door rattles. i'm still kneeling in the armchair, very aware of the dampness under my tail and what it smells like. "laurence, why is the door locked?" " does that automatically."

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Uniforms Pt. 1

Riley groaned as he lifted yer another box onto the shelf. The hyena hated his job as a stocker in the local hospital, but it paid the bills so he had no real reason to complain. Sure, the hours sucked and the pay wasn't the best, but it kept a roof...

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Fenris' Inferno Chapter 1: Skritch

Author's notes: This is my first furry story. Well actually first writing outside of school and writing competitions. So I am hoping that this will receive good reviews, but if not don't hesitate to hack away at me. Read my journal for more info...

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Love's Struggle Pt. 1

Written by: Stode (Spirit Stallion) Characters: All characters copy write to...

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The Ballad of Phillip: Chapter 4

"i'm still in the closet remember", i said. "you really think people will recognize you from your moans? i won't tell anyone it's you. not until you're finally ready to come out.

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The Darkness Calls Part 2

Note:Couldn't wait to write the second Chapter. The first chapter was really gruesome but it's now 3 years in the future so let's see how Bob Kawashima is in college with Bastian. And this one is pretty short due to the fact that I have other shit to...

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Closet Love Chapter 4

I know it took me longer than expected but here's chapter 4 of my series. I know there will be errors and such on here due to how fast i was trying to type this up before my parents got home, but dont let that keep you from reading...

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