Care Bears Family Adventures, The Cold Wars C2

"you both have a point here: their attack was unprovoked, dangerous and if they were serious about wanting to help the marine life they could easily cast a negative light on other environmentalists and us. but!"

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The Watch

I spent the next while exploring the bottom of the lake, forgetting i'd wanted to choose another form, so caught up in the experience of aquatic life.

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Loving Family: Breeze (X)

Her vagina, like her body, was more adapted to aquatic life than other eevee forms, resulting in a more muscular grip on her victim.

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The College Experience (from Freebies Vol. 65)

It was a hydrating lotion, no dyes, no residue, useful for aquatic marine life. the intentionally vague labeling made it a purchase without suspicion, common for were-products in the general marketplace. nomus popped the cap and sniffed. "huh."

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Good Morning

Give me a chance to see another side to your worlds' aquatic life than just the beach. celeste smiled and rubbed the jackal under the chin. "sounds like a plan then.

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In the Shadow of a Hero- CYOA- Intro

I will include marine mammals but will avoid other marine life unless it's voted upon or unless it's some mythical thing like a kraken rape monster. that's it! sorry it seems so long and convoluted, i promise it's not as complicated as it looks.

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You Only Live 18 Times #6 (Spyjirra)

"we've eliminated all dangerous aquatic life here in the city so it's as safe as walking. outside the city though, i wouldn't recommend it. argonia is known for its lethal wildlife you may know."

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Into the Depths

While he ran he noticed that the marine life all seemed to have their attention focused on him. it was eerie to say the least, some even following him a ways until they broke off.

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Majestic White Mare's Enchanting Riverside Dance

The water of the current continues its course, harmoniously connecting with the vast ocean that houses a myriad of aquatic life. colorful fish, graceful octopuses, and other marine creatures inhabit this aquatic ecosystem.

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The New Hire

Spend time with the marine life? it was an entire world of possibilities, but he was just happy for the opportunity.

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Ruined - Under the Surface Chapter 3

The ruins and wall were completely overtaken by aquatic life, covered in sprawling plants and providing homes for numerous creatures.

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Biota Book 2: Brave on many fronts

They enter the door that leads to the specimens; the room was large and had the sounds of filters and buzzing of oxygenation machines for tanks filled with marine life

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