Superhero Story: The General's Weak Spot

Charlie didn't know the big guy's secret identity - though he could find out now, he chose not to - but the muscled german shepherd was big enough, sexy enough, that he wanted to keep a little bit of the mystery.

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The Weaver's Cage

I was thinking that's why you busted in here like you did: you were planning to hold me prisoner until i give up her secret identity or something that will allow you to track her down. not a bad plan, except... she's not one of my clients."

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The checkup

Most of them had secret identities. even heroes like stature and callus, permanently in their 'hero' forms, could at least wear a trench coat and hat and almost blend in.

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Latex Stream Story 1: The HardRock Costume

There was a surprising amount of security back there, but he supposed that the shop owner wanted to make sure that the superheroes that were his clientele were able to keep their secret identities.

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The hero's secret

There were some heroes that lived double lives: maintained a normal citizen persona and had their superhero persona as a secret identity. those heroes had it tough having to carry two full-time jobs at the same time.

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.8

Horizon was taken aback, she hadn't realized that princeps with his obsession with maintaining some sort of secret identities might have devised some sort of cover story for them.

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Superhero Story: Stealing a Cock

It was one of his few advantages, that his secret identity wasn't known; if he didn't keep that, then he'd have a super strong, laser-eyed lion knocking on his door later.

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Tales from Silicon City 7: Juniata Trasero

Her secret identity was still safe. for what felt like a long moment the donkey merely sat there, soaking in the reality of what she had done.

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Hypnovember 2023 - Chime, Tone

It wouldn't be very becoming of a hero, particularly one who didn't bother with a secret identity. "so, you found absolutely no clues?" "not a single one," the vole walking alongside him said.

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Venom, Episode 1

They also think that someone using their powers without a secret identity doesn't don a skin tight bodysuit and go out and fight crime during their off hours.

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A meeting at the market

My armor would be way too tight, and i should at least pretend i have a secret identity." he laughed, a short chirp. "of course everyone at work knows, i spend most of my time there with fur." "where do you work, tech?"

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