Pet shop problems

The only proof that it hadn't just been a dream was his still twitching penis and the open spell book. he returned the bird to her cage, and cleaned up the mess.

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Cinder-Ella Chapter 3

She couldn't really learn the magic spell to transform until somebody turned the page on her spell book. unfortunately, the baroness refused to turn it, so she was basically stuck.

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CYOA Charlie Goat regrets everything Chapter 1

The fish blood he had used to paint the arcane symbols onto the newspaper was starting to soak through and he quickly grabbed at the spell book again.

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Borrowing Some Features

"and it might sound silly, but i really do have reading to thank for this; you wouldn't think that most libraries carry a spell book, but ours does...and the damnedest thing is that some of them actually work!"

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Artifacts, Chapter 6, The Grimoire, True Love, Chapter 1

A spell book? she had to look up 'grimoire' on the net though. it wasn't dated, but was all hand written, and looked really old.

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Dynavwryn (chapter 3)

Midnight picked up my spell book and began to flip threw it and read it, going over section in it titled 'abyssus extraho' (abyssus extraho means hell dragon in latin).

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CYOA Charlie Goat regrets everything Chapter 5

Charlie suddenly blurted out, his joints unlocking enough for his arms to creak up and hold the spell book before him like a shield. "and i did it hours ago! this morning! you're not even on time!" "well, i'm here aren't i?

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Unusual Battle

Sam sit down on top of a big rock, with a spell book in hand, and muttering the incantation to memorise. he is in forest clearing, not far from the village. he wants to practise magic in secret.

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Rose- Wrath of the Heavens

I pull the scroll out of my spell book and hand it over to jack. "i need you to drop everything and cast this," i comment quickly as he looks at me with a rather, justifiably confused expression. "and what is this exactly?

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Rose- New Spell

I'd rather not just walk around with a rolled-up scroll and i look at my spell book for a bit and consider the notion. i suppose i could potentially still fit it with the book if i wrapped it around a section.

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Child of The Blue Wind [Ch. 5 - ~Magistasia~]

It read: "to you sneaky kids trying to take my spell books without my permission, if you are reading this, you have likely tried this spell out.

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To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 36

Sarina copied the spell variations diligently into her own spell book, and then asked, "you mentioned opening a portal to a ship.

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