The Road Of Life- Chapter 2
I sighed to myself as i began to explain my life situation, i knew it would be of no use trying to lie to andrew, "i used to be living with my drug addict, alcoholic step-father..
Step Daddy Issues
"you... yer my step dad." "lookin' at it wouldn't be so bad a thing... s'not like we're fuckin'." jerome pointed out as he took another toke, and pasted the bong back to terry.
Happy Love Day!
After akira and miku lost their father and gained a new step-father, their mother continued to support her children's choice of lifestyle. however, their new step-father was not as open-minded.
Sunlight Through The Clouds: Rising Sun [Chapter 2]
"just butting heads a little with my dad... well, step-dad. he's not too trusting of mystics even though he has never met one personally.
The First Crack
"well... my dad was never there... just me, my mom, and my step-dad..." "did your step-dad... you know..." "no... he was cool, i liked him... it was my mom..." "your mom... hit you?" "well... yeah...
Flight of Fancy
"i'm going to have a few words with your step father..." "you're gonna kill him too?" "no, katelyn, i didn't have anything to do with it. your mother's character defects were her undoing. she destroyed herself.
That Friday
"don't talk about your step-father like that," she called after him but aaron wasn't listening. his room, perhaps the cleanest room in the house, was barely large enough to fit his bed and a dresser.
~at the end of the night~
His step-father smirked as he noticed a unmistakable scent. he leaned to his ear and whispers "you might want to wash up a bit before breakfast...maybe something that won't alert your mother."
The Fox
His step-dad was pretty cool. they got along and he ended up being really close to the new old man, but that didn't stop him.
New world, new family
He'd never told his friends but, ever since he accidentally went into heat so far from civilisation his father and step-father had to help him through it, he had occasionally played with his step-father in a way that most people on lapros would not have approved
Furries University Chapter 1: Going Away (V.2)
He felt selfish for leaving his mother and unborn brother alone with that rotten step-father of his. the fox couldn't handle the man who tried to own his mother; and he couldn't stand to see him hovering over everything with such childish desire.
Whine Fresh off the Vine
In truth, i really wanted to do new guy, but i hardly wanted to have to explain to his step-dad why he was walking funny. my luck i'd tear him open. so this was the better scenario for the moment.