Virishian History

Society soon developed into a multi-class society male-centered society: only fraction of the females were assigned to lower classes as sexual solace, most of them remained privilege of the upper class.

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The Bread Also Rises, Chapter 1

Even the upper class has taken an interest in you - something which _never_ happens for a low-level baker. but you know it's only because you're a point of interest. a laughing stock, actually.

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Chapter IV: Rise of the Vampires

"the upper class vampires have taken out artificial blood away, we can't afford to on like this forever. they always do this, taking away out blood. however, if there were no upper class vampires we would get blood."

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Harem Harlot, Part 4

One such slave had proven quite a cook, and, like anyone who might rise to a station higher than that they were born into, lucidum, the ever-wanting raven, had become accustomed to upper-class indulgences lest she one day lose her wealth and stolen nobility

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To keep warm during the nights, we gather around several fires with fuel provided by the upper class that gets to sleep inside houses at night. note: this background is needed to get the rest of the story.


The Creeps - Chapter Two: Polly

Indeed, although she still clung to her upper class lifestyle, she felt something was missing. she dipped her blondish-brown hair into the water. the door opened. "wh-who's there?" polly said, baring her fangs.

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Sneak Peek

While his parents weren't the richest, they were definitely upper class. york's bathroom was huge compared to most bathroom's that his friends had, but it was stilled dwarfed by his parent's bathroom.

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The Guilded Cage, World Introduction, part 2

Still, anyone with a degree of sense would be well aware that the random expenses most upper-class businessmen keep off the books have just move that violence into quieter, less noticeable areas where witnesses either know enough to keep their mouths

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A Galaxy Divided 2

I have to be with somebody like me not an upper class. i mean she's constantly working down my resistance to her and i can't let it happen. i have to get my head straight.

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Chapter 1: Fuzzy Feeling

He felt bad for her, all the upper class students kept to themselves in small little cliches. even in 3014 such odd social behaviors existed between the vastly mixed class.

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Les Salon de Petite Morte - Chapter 1

An upper-class apartment. an upper-class area. the door entered into the dining area. there was an white carpet over the whole area. the table is blackwood, along with the chairs, though they have white seats and cushioned backs.

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Reaper: Hades - Sherry Stormrock

"_ **background:** sherry stormrock was born in upper class of rillotian society particularly in central rillotian state of vynar. she enjoyed all the luxuries of life and this led her to constantly want more.

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