The Beast of Mount Gherosh

"i offer you to my lord ahriman as a sacrifice. may he delight in your suffering as he has done with so many before you."

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God of Hunger chapter 19-25

To protect them from further harm, chaos buried jazirian at the center of one of her worlds, baator, and chained ahriman to a cloud, cilestia, where the two must await their final judgment.

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Kaijuu Daikessen

She has gone by many names in history, from cerberus to hecate, sekhmet to anubis, chernobog and shiva, coatlicue and ahriman, just to name a few. but today, she goes by a different, more universal name. the phantom god beast. the deity of destruction.

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Red Twilight A Dawning of Power (free e-book)

To protect them from further harm, chaos buried jazirian at the center of one of her worlds, baator, and chained ahriman to a cloud, cilestia, where the two must await their final judgment.

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