Break The Whip
He yanked his head back, whipping his mane, and they tore free. madame french was suddenly very exposed.
Crack The Whip
He yanked his head back, whipping his mane, and they tore free. madame french was suddenly very exposed. she tried to struggle her way over the bale but she was pulled back again by gnashing teeth.
Whip of Fate
**whip of fate** the cool breeze rushed over the water like a great eagle, sending goosebumps running all over the slippery body of a female anthro shark. she was sexy beyond belief.
Pussy Whipped
Will sighed as he walked into his apartment building, arms full of a few things he'd picked up on the way home. It had been a long damn week, but at least he had gotten his paycheck in. Too bad that it had already taken a nice hit from all these...
At the Crack of a Whip
"christ mike, a day and she's already whipping you into shape. sound's like all she's gotta do is sound the call and you'll come running. rather obvious who's gonna wear the pants in this one." "hey! i'm still top dog around here!"
Whipping Boy
He unbuckled his belt and slid it loose, cracking it once like a whip across the otter's ass. theo whimpered softly in response.
Whip-Crack Rhapsody
#1 of vil thatos chronicles the cracking of a whip snapped baphor meht to his senses. he opened his eyes slowly, waves of nausea, then pain, flowed in and out with the tides of discomfort racking his body.
Chapter 38: Whipped
Give me that whip." teesa looked as if she didn't want to, but she passed the whip to her lover. kel watched, his chest starting to heave again as alea moved close.
Pussy-whipped [script]
_Description: A feline gal acts like an obedient sub, eager to please her "owner"...but she keeps "accidentally" squeezing his balls too hard. Will the cat get the cream, or will she push her partner fur-ther than he can handle? Will her dragon boy get...
Silver Pines, Unusual Times
The (Short) Adventures of Benjamin Finn Silver Pines, Unusual Times (Story 1) Ben peered down the path known as Balverine Pass, noting the nasty presence of several the flat faced wolves. Those long limbed 'werewolves' gave him the...
Humiliation Story: Measured and Whipped
Measured and whipped for handofblades by draconicon "heh, you ain't gonna win against me, colt." the black stallion smirked as he cupped his crotch, rolling his balls between his fingers through the fabric.
Whip of Fate Pt 2
**whip of fate: part 2** gillya moaned softly, stirring in her sleep. her eyes opened slowly, squinting as the sunlight stung at her eyes. after a moment, she looked beside her, noticing the bed was empty other than herself.