By Moonlight I Miss You

Sam's lover, yu, has been away for 6 months in the alps of the rural dawa region, their first long separation in a while. under the full moon's brightness, sam misses him the most this night, but dark clouds forbore an even longer absence.

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On Seven Hills...

Daniel the wolf admired for the first time the artwork in the museums- he was a simple wolf, the son of farmers from the north in the italian alps, who had never seen roma before.

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I took odd jobs all around until eventually i saved up enough money to ski in the swiss alps. and on my first ride down the mountain i was sideswiped by a vicious tree that came out of nowhere and sent me into the infirmary. there i met an e.m.t.

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Dem Hengst seine Aepfel

Eine kleine Geschichte die ich an einem trüben Nachmittag vor ein paar Tagen geschrieben habe. Es ist tatsächlich mein erster Versuch zu schreiben, also würde ich mich über konstruktive Kritik freuen. Ansonsten, viel Spaß beim lesen! + + + + + + + +...

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The hiker and the filly:chapter one:Introduction

After he have arrived at melbourne, he had buy some food and was heading to the mountains of the australian alps . this was the last time the human was seeing in the safety of civilization.....

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Driving through the swiss alps turn speed up turn

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The Truth of Uniforms

The fortress was miles away from the main battle out towards the italian alps. as a result, only those three furs were stationed at the fortress.

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Requiem - Part 1

Camp hesperus was a military installation nestled deep within swiss alps - a beautiful, rugged, nasty section of land that officially encompassed twenty square kilometers in area, but really had a greater area of influence due to the fact that the installation

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Hypnovember Day 11 - Game

The all-expenses-paid trip to the alps?" "the freedom of my comrades," the rat said, careful not to let his anger show. "ooooh, very brave words, hero! you're right on track to beating our previous high-scorer, justicar! you know justicar, right?

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The Auction

"yes alp-zren" one of the raptors said. zren, i would remember that name.... i felt something stick into my arm and i looked over to see one raptor injecting me with something.

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Act VI

Afterward, karl led us out of landeck and into the tyrol alps. after an hour, we arrived at a small vale where karl gathered his goats, and herded them onwards towards the abandoned village.

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Gun Grave Episode 1, Part 1

"he's up here, in the alps, so i advise you pack some extra clothing, it'll get cold, and your leaving in the morning, so get ready tonight." "well then, im gonna need to get warmed up for the adventure, maybe a little exercise is in order?"

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