Freebies Vol. 61: Team Players (feat. Maloo)

Regular-sized teammates swarmed the two giants, treating them like giant ambulatory playgrounds. a well-hung fox pumped his hips into maloo's cleavage; he'd somehow squirmed his way between them, so that his legs rested on joseki's backside.

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Far Flung Future

So far he hadn't hit a dead end, and aside from a few bats, he hadn't seen much of anything, aside from some mushrooms, mold, and fungi of many types, including a few ambulatory oozes that pip's flame rod took care of.

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** the screaming headlines made me smile mildly despite my ambulatory comatose state, and even my frozen tail woke up to flick meekly with my amusement while i fumbled for the keys and cursed the cold and realized that i was going to have a date!

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Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

"let me show you how it's done," i said, hobbling over to the small seat peter had put there for me to do this with my current ambulatory status.

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 8 - The Desert Trail

Keeping clear of the strange ambulatory cacti, james headed further on towards the north. after an hour of solid walking beneath the eternal sun, he got worried about his water and tried to summon more from the air itself.

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Even if i left you alive, you'd never be ambulatory again." he wiped the scalpel off on the fur on gerald's chest. it was such a soft, beautiful coat. reginald had loved the feel of it when he had the fox bent over his lap, and again bent over his desk.

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2593, Chapter 18

Tony was only now starting to be ambulatory, and still wobbled about as he followed his brothers. thomas and terrence were seated just outside the crawlers's circuit, talking together. their babbling regularly turning to laughter.

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Gothic Cathedrals

"the vaults tie it all together like a spider web, or a net ... in the ambulatory, the altar is right here.

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The Briin Expedition 2: Advance Guard

Julia knew well enough it was a common ambulatory model for land creatures, especially mammals. but, to tan, it just looked familiar. "squiddogs," he whispered. it glanced at him briefly, but was more interested in julia.

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I swung my forearm crutches and my poor leg forward simultaneously, as i had been told, so that the weight would remain on my arms and not on my leg, for the brief time it took for my left leg to hurry up and stand alongside my new tripod ambulatory

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Not So Retired Any More IX

We need you to be healthy and ambulatory until you kill goza for me. then again, they did lose two brothers...and it is partly your fault."

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On the balcony (Bartleby the badger/half-orc)

Someone might recoil in horror the first time the ambulatory buzz-saw went by, but by the tenth time he was just scenery. "mornin', bart," a street sweeper greeted it in passing, and the badger nodded politely as he went by.

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