in a wolf's body: chpt 4: up for adoption

Up for adoption a few minutes later Arctic was returned to the cell, "well, that wasn't so bad... although the thermometer tasted weird." "do you want to know why it tasted weird?" "go on then, surprise me." "if you have a muzzle on they can't put...


in a wolf's body: chpt 3: the check up

The check up I was brutally woke up when something tugged really hard on my dick "AH FUCK!" I screamed "sorry! I woke up and I forgot that we mated last night and I panicked" I looked at her "it's okay Arctic... just please, don't do it again......

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in a wolf's body: chpt 2: getting to know Arctic

Getting to know Arctic "so, now what do we do?" I asked Arctic, hoping she might have an idea "I don't know." she admitted "HEY! let us out of here!" i cried in frustration a speaker on one of the walls spoke "not until you make us some little...


in a wolf's body: chpt 1: A new life

A new life I took a few deep breaths, gasping for air. Where am I? I thought to myself "doctor, look, he's reacting to outside stimuli's" I looked over to where I heard the voice. I saw a female in a lab coat, I looked up at her and a male who was...


In a wolf's body: prologue

ATTENTION: this is a non furry chapter. please don't report it. the next chapter is furry this chapter just sets up how he becomes a furry. even though it's tagged m/f there is no yiff. adult needs a gender tag. i consider death adult. Prologue: in a...

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full metal lingerie: chpt 1: the recruit

Full metal lingerie. I looked out the window of the armoured bmw X5, Watching as snow covered trees went past. In the wing mirrors I could see the other cars in the convoy and a troop carrier. The driver of the X5 was a malamute wearing aviator...

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full metal lingerie: chpt 2: the room.

the room Thoughts flooded through my head as I followed Alex through the twisting corridors of the base. "Jen! What the fuck have you done? I leave you alone for a matter of seconds and you're on your way to see Vicky!" we both turned around and saw...

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project wolfsoul: chpt 9: pity

well, what do you guys think? please comment. if there's anything i could've done better what was it? if you'd just like to tell me that i'm an awesome writer then all power to you =P Pity "dude, I'm bored. How much further is it?" John was...

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the fox, the wolf and the lion pt 2: muddy.

Muddy. Raymond Leonardo sat on the edge of his pet's double bed. He had retired and bought a large house in a very scenic location. He had more than enough money for the three of them to live happily. Even after his passing the fox and the wolf would...

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the fox, the wolf and the lion

here is a story requested by Dean the yiffy fox. enjoy Dean! The fox, The wolf and the lion. "Mr Leonardo the stocks are down 40% this month..." Raymond Leonardo was a sixty-five year old lion and a very wealthy entrepreneur. His fur was yellow, some...

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A chilling experience

A chilling experience... the fox walked down the lonely forest path, the snow under his shoes crunching softly. He jumped as an owl hooted. He shivered as a sudden cold breeze blew over him. He looked behind him as he heard a rustling... but no one...

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for my amusement

For my amusement The fox's playful eyes snapped open, he yawned wide, showing off his pearly white teeth, he then closed his mouth and licked his lips, ready for a spot of breakfast. But before breakfast there was something he needed to do, He...

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