Tiber's Toy Time

Rikko grabs a rucksack and slings it over her right arm as she preppers to head out to see her friend, Sabrina. "Will you be okay on your own Tiber? I'll be gone for a few hours" "know when my brother will be back" "probably the same time as me,...

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Getting Better

"Seriously... that's all you want? That's 49 pence please" "Yes, here you are" A feathery hand leans over the counter and drops a number of coins into the paw of the shop owner who all to eagerly ensures that he's got all that's due. "Have a nice...

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I wish I were my friends

Faces, I see hundreds of them I see nearly everyday Sometimes we know them but often we don't But one in particular I can't stand to see The strange one in the mirror looking back at me An ever-present semi frown is set against the backdrop of...


A Snowmews Sexuality

It's a question that I've found not only that I ask myself but also one that others ask of me. "Leo...." They would often begin "Which way do you go...?" or some such round about way of asking which gender I'd prefer to make love with. I will point...

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Autumn Dream

In the cool room, curtains swaying gently shadowing the light entering the dim room In the cool room, rested soundly, in a dream. The blue sky slowly faded to red, the last vestige of the day beckoned on the dusk The air was cooling as the sun sat...

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Character Haikus

Leonard Wolfe Great big fluffy mew Curls up on your head a lot Knows cool ice magic * * * Rikko Kittan Master thief takes all Flat and looks like a tom-boy Stealthy purple cat * * * Sabrina Yarn Black furred amputee Warm and caring summoner...

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Lowell's Cave Adventure.

For all his days Lowell resides in his quiet village in the middle of Dachaigh Valley, living the life of a blacksmiths son. He was however by all accounts a disappointment. He was small, weedy, and a sickly child and it lasted all the way to his...

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Nightime Shenanigans

"So how was your day today hun?" "Just fine Tristan, just fine." It was well into the evening before both men had found themselves back at home, in the modestly sized apartment looking over the city centre. The low pounding pitter patter of water...

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Nargacuga Comes Home (Watersports)

_It was at the end of a very long day. The sun had long gone down on the auburn thickets the Nargacuga called his home. His home was a simple hut, small enough for himself and barely one other person. It's small size afforded his home a cosiness denied...

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