Camping Trip Part 4

Ben and Cody lay in there beds, staring at the ceiling, it was the middle of the night and even though both of them were exhausted they didn't sleep. "So, that was fun," Ben said. "What you mean having sex? Well, duh." "Shut it. I just meant Lisa was...

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VR Experince

Cole's dad is scientist and had been working on a project for years and years. He was always secluded within the basement that he used for his lab. Cole or his brothers and sister weren't allowed down there. But, now his dad grabbed him by the...

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The end of the night.

Val woke up before Ben did. He let out a loud snore and she jumped awake. Her face had been buried into Ben's side, his arm around her head, so her nose was in his armpit. His musk deep in her nose. It was an oddly great way to wake up, she thought....

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Laying in bed.

Ben and Val were laying in bed together. It was almost eight at night, they had taken a break to eat and Val had to see off the kids as they went to their dads house. Which happened to be awkward for Ben. Andy knew what him and his mom were going to do...

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Rainy days

The rain had fallen for days on end, and today was no different. So, as Alex walked to school, he kept his hood up, which was difficult over his budding antlers. Being a reindeer wasn't always easy. His dark red fur matted along his nose and mouth, as...

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A Rough Day

While sitting in class it started, the ache that starts in my crotch, and vibrates down my legs. I needed to relieve my balls, I needed to jerk off. But I think I'm getting ahead of myself. It started because my friend, Logan, came up to me before...

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High School Reunion

The school parking lot was filled with cars, furs and people of all types walked from the vehicles into the main entrance of the building. It was Conner's tenth high school reunion and he didn't know why he was there. After graduation Conner had left...

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Baker's Goods

At four in the morning, I went to my bakery. I never understood why I started my own bakery, when I had to roll out of bed at three to be to work on time. Unlocking the door, flipping all of the lights on, before I turned the ovens on to preheat. By...

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