Sora's Grand Adventure - Chapter 1

It had been years since he saved his friends from the heartless and Sora was aching for another adventure. Goofy and Donald went back to their world a while ago leaving Sora behind with Kairi and Riku. They started dating, however, and now Sora ended...

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Trainer Tales 6

I left my pokemon in their balls and went on my way again. For a while I just needed to think without any of them as a distraction because the previous few days have been too crazy to comprehend. I was still trying to process what I had done with...

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Lucky Husky 12 - Busted

At the sound of her dad yelling through the door Mia shot up with a start. Luke quickly told her to go into the other room and before he could react further the door shot open. "Sorry to burst in but I really need to ask-" Jon started before seeing...

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Trainer Tales 2

_You didn't have to wait too long afterall; the sexy times start in this chapter (albeit briefly.) Again, I hope you enjoy the story and leave me a comment or whatnot if you do (or even if you don't) and let me know what you like/dislike. Thanks!_...

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Trainer Tales 1

_Yeah, I'm not subtitling the chapters of this story because I'm somewhat lazy (if the infrequent update to my previous stories hadn't given that away.) I have been having fun writing this one though as I am trying to focus more on the story and just...

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Trainer Tales 3

Maybe I should tell you more about my pokemon before I go on. I've been traveling as a trainer for a few years now, but I actually haven't added to my team (aside from Lopunny) since the first month that I set out. I was lucky and got my team together...

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Trainer Tales 5

Now that I had bed both Grovyle and Flareon, and Raichu and Lopunny were sexually active, I figured it was time to have a very awkward conversation with the whole team. I got redressed while Flareon, true to her canine nature, was licking herself clean...

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Trainer Tales 4

_Everyone having fun so far? Good, I was hoping so. This chapter was actually partially re-written and the next two were completely redone because I came up with a new direction for the story that made more sense for the character than what I had...

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A little payback

"It's a raisin, Dave." Simon said in defense of his brother. "Oh yeah? Prove it!" Dave quickly retorted. Quickly to avoid looking hesitant, Simon grabbed it and stuffed it into his mouth; giving Dave a large grin. "Alright fine, you got me there."...

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Date-night dinner

Mia was nervous for her date that night. She was always nervous though. As a mouse, it was in her nature. But, she was particularly nervous because this was her first date after coming out as lesbian over two years ago, and it was with a girl! It was...

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Lucky Husky 11 - The Young and the Restless

Luke could smell as soon as he walked into the house what the real problem with Mia was. After ushering Jon out of the house and calming all his worrying, Luke headed back toward Mia's room. "Mia?" Luke called out cautiously. "Go to hell!" she yelled...

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Lucky Husky 15 - Blackmail

It felt like years were passing by as Luke stared out the glass door at the roo morph that had just knocked. He knew Jon saw everything and he was at a complete loss for words as to what he would say. But he couldn't very well ignore him so Luke walked...

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