Lupus-Caracalus ~ Preview

The ship hurdled through space at high warp, ready to stop at the nearest starbase and resupply. They had just come from a jungle planet teeming with life. They had plucked a few specimens from the eco system and caged them away in the ship's cargo...

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A Dragon's Love: Growth

It had been an interesting time of their lives, when the twins were on the cusp of adolescence, Keto an energetic little boy, Blaze a beautiful little girl, and their lives... Interesting to say the least. The goddess was still breathless from her last...

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A Dragon's Love: Blaze

It wasnt fair! No body even looked at her anymore! Blaze, a little magenta-scaled chick, flittered over the treetops, heading north away from the large mountain and crystal-clear lake her father, Valor, lived in and called his own. She was upset! She...

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A Dragon's Love: Flare

The rest of his many siblings were outside enjoying the summer weather, and his papa, Valor, was probobly supervising, or playing along depending on his mood, which left Flare, the eldest of the four children, inside with his mother. The cave was a...

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A Dragon's Love: Twilight

There was no wind today, the dragon noticed, and the lake was as smooth as glass on the far end. Nearest to him, the waterfall roared, foaming a good portion of the water, but that was not his concern. The forest around him was filled with the sounds...

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A Dragon's Love: Rescue

He recognized the spot, he had seen it from the air several times as he flew over the forests a world apart. The large red dragon melted slowly in his cave, reshaping himself until he was that twisted angel man, then stepped away from the giant mirror....

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A Dragon's Love: Learning

Even the somewhat happy ending Valor found when his family was kidnapped and altered so drastically, the Goddess above stroked her chin with a curious hand as she watched the elder dragon, and the magenta dragonling. There had to be a timeline where...

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A Dragon's Love: Forbidden Love

The goddess just watched the images fade into the celestial expanse, her fingers burried deep in her most privite of divinity. She let forth a moan, rubbing that special little knob over her divine slit as she waved her hand, calling forth a random...

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A Dragon's Love: The Goddess

As she watched, the Goddess smiled to herself. The starfield she gazed upon showed her what she had wrought. There, the dragon known as Valor delivered his son's child from the very belly of his own mate, while moments later his daughter went into...

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A Dragon's Love: A Family Affair

Valor's deep blue eyes smiled across the bowl-of-gold that made up his nest at the females smiling on the far end. It always brightened his day when things like two very pregnant females talked and laughed as they normally would despite the news he had...

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A Birthday for Kim

Even in the year 2010, Anthropomorphic creatures were not considered people. They walked, talked, and lived like people, but they were not. They were animals. Lower than animals. Pets of the day had more rights than the "furries" living in cities like...

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A Dragon's Love: Teaching

The goddess had taken some time away from her little distractions, tending to her people for some time before she returned, breaking from the duties of divinity in order to watch the family she so loved and adored across many infinite timelines. As she...

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