Serenifi: HELL-O!

This announcement was met with massive praise among the throng, as tvs lowered and displayed hideous cg-animated little boys dressed as superheroes, thick-headed, skinny green frogs with "beaks", live-action fruits and vegetables with human eyes and lips copied-and-pasted


Camping Courtship

"you're telling me those weren't cg. at all?" holding my hand up, i swore, "the only cg was on the computer screens. they made huge animatronic monsters." "that was amazing." "i'd better get back to my parents, or they'll freak out.

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Everyone Does It at Home

A deep voice played while the doe danced with a pizza box in her arms, bad cg steam rising from the box. the voice said "'tis the season once agin! ya can smell it in the air!"

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The Biggest Gainer: Hollywoo Edition

He was on tv just the other day, and-" princess carolyn leaned back in her seat, waving her paw dismissively, "cg, you know, the usual movie magic." "and you're sure this is how they want to come out?" "of course!

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Three Furs, One House

I'd always been a huge fan of cg and stop-motion animated films, but back in 2008, the film bolt had been released.

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Windfall: Wrapping Up

The stories with threesomes proved even less helpful, in addition to filling her with irrational jealousy toward several of the cg monsters.

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Daisy and Boss: 16 - Nice To Meet You

Daisy laughed as the pair flailed in a somewhat organized frenzy, batting the air to chop the cg fruit on the screen, giggling as they ran into each other occasionally.

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Chaser: Chapter Four

Maybe if someone would cg it up and fix the shitty fx, repetitive stock footage, and numerous continuity errors, maybe they'd have something worth watching. well, not likely.

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Hollywood never had a shortage of shitty movies, and over the next few weeks they enjoyed watching early-20s d-listers be attacked by gruesome cg monsters.

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Black Dancing Soul...

Those guys...are really sweet...heh...i once knew a male cg and he was so nice to me even knowing who i was. he...oh nevermind...what does it matter...he died because of me so forget it...anyway... back on point: garou on garou equal very big nono.

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Exploration RLA: Part 10: Curse of the Sacrilege

cg animation and trickeries respectively is what they are. the only place magic exists on my planet are in fantasy books." doran nodded and we changed the subject again.

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Captive Audience 2

Braden replied, figuring a question for a question was fair, "is it a cg overlay on your actual image?" "no, it isn't. how old are you boys?" the man asked. "braden..." brendan whimpered. "it's our eighteenth birthday. is it a costume?"

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