Dragon Ranch: Grooming Time

He payed special attention to the wings, carefully unfolding each dactyl and spreading a thin layer of gel across the dragon's leathery pagatium.

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Angels of Aurum 7 - Dance Under The Stars

Said the dactyl cackling. "if ya had a heid even." "what a shame it lacks a cranium," said the slug-like, "would make a much more predictable target for penetration."

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Welcome to the Vore House of Klyneth, Var!

The new hires had included anax agorean spektrr and cero dactyl unilete, two anthro snake sisters who apparently had genetic links to both leera and yetzer who also had extensive experience in the field of potions and magic studies.

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Angels of Aurum 10 - Tainted Blood

The dactyl raised his katana to almost pierce hox's cheek. "you think yer sae fuckin' important, that there's nae dozens o' others talented oot there that could easily replace ya?!"

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