The Last Place You Look - Part 2
The draenei just fell silent, furrowing his brow in thought as he turned on his heel, pacing away from the shaman.
Corruption: Understanding
Both the female human and the other draenei turned around. aldoon immediately moved over to valuur as a crowd formed around them. aldoon checked the pulse first, the larger draenei's heart was beating irregularly.
Roleplay! - Zohaar and Danny
What it did was make danny's belly rumble, driving his hunger and thirst of draenei milk.
The Vindicator's Visit
The orc was still working on removing the remainder of zohaar's armour, the draenei doing little to try and stop him.
Business as Usual
After the draenei's giant sack was emptied, he toppled back to rest against the wall again, panting heavily, that chest of his heaving.
Be Kind To Those Less Fortunate 3
Relieved, and his curiosity satisfied, all the draenei could do in response was nod.
Summer Holidays - AU
The draenei sighed, "i don't suppose you've seen a mechanical chicken there then?".
Be Kind To Those Less Fortunate 11
There was a moment of recognition, before the draenei leant forward, his face directly in front of the tauren's.
Prisoner of War
Outside a draenei was traveling nearby. dear light, sometimes port business at auberdine was boring work.
Love is in the Air
The draenei insisted, with such conviction it threw zixxle for a moment, "besides, i had you to help clean me up," the draenei nodded firmly, his mighty nipples giving a slight throb in his shirt from the mere mention of the goblin's previous actions.
Velen's choices
The composure of the draenei faded, all the more as he dared to take a step back... and was rewarded by a sudden grapple.
The Last Place You Look - Part 1
The draenei was taken a little off-guard, no one had ever really asked him about himself before, even baelek during their meetings.